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Using a combination of multiple facets of Health, Engagement and Productivity to estimate occupational burnout


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Repository files navigation

Capstone project : ISB <> Peakhealth

Demo link 📺

Click to view the demo

How to contribute to the repo 🤔

  • Create a separate branch for your usecase
  • Rebase with main branch
  • Raise PR (DO NOT commit to main)

Info how to make best use of the workflow ⏯

  • Clone the repo
  • Create the env using the above commands
  • Install the package
  • All the tests goes into the tests directory
  • Any test experiments eg- Data wraggling/inital exploration notebooks goes under experiments directory
  • All modelling and related details into analysis_framework, create subdirectories as required
  • Under forecasting_framework there are three submodules utils, data and pipelines
    • utils reusable code components
    • data raw dataset are stored
    • pipeline dagster pipeline and related computation output

Flowchart for repo structure

github_capstone repo

More on Git/version control usage

Material link

Repository setup

  • Set up authentication using OAuth, SSH or push token
# for the first time
git clone <repo>

# change working directory to root of repo cloned
cd <repo location>

Installing env setup using miniconda 💁🏽‍♀️

Commands to install the packages via conda/ env activation ✍️

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate capstone
conda list
conda info

Installing the analysis_framework package in local ⬇️

pip install -e .

Update the capstone environment (post making changes to environment file)

conda env update --file environment.yml --prune

To switch between different environment

conda deactivate

About pre-commit-hooks and activating 🔌

Just like the name suggests, precommit-hooks are designed to format the code based on PEP standards before committing. More details 🗒

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

"""---commit your changes---
- check for errors, hooks format the code by deafult
- add the files
- commit it again
- push the changes 

Data pipeline 🛠

  • Built using Dagster, an open source orchestration tool

Commands to trigger the pipeline

  • Command to run the pipeline from root capstone_isb
python analysis_framework/pipeline/
  • Command to view the dagit UI
dagit -f analysis_framework/pipeline/

Dagit UI Lancher


  • Tools used - Panel, Holoviews
  • Main files (panel serve requirements and layout components) and (contains all the logic)
  • Command to trigger the dashboard (subject to change) - python analysis_framework/dashboard/



Using a combination of multiple facets of Health, Engagement and Productivity to estimate occupational burnout








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