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Butes is a client library for interacting with Siren APIs.

Why Butes?

According to Argonautica, Butes alone was compelled by the Sirens’ voices

Butes is a client library that is able to communicate with APIs built on Siren. This gives the ability to parse the responses, to follow links from one entity to another and to submit actions as defined by the entities.

Using Butes

Butes is written in TypeScript, and so full type information is available as needed. This allows for TypeScript clients to make use of this safely, and for editors to automatically understand the types of objects to make working with it easier.

Creating a Client

import { newClient } from 'butes';

const client = newClient();

Retrieving a resource

const resource = await client.get('');

Once a resource has been retrieved, it can be accessed as a standard object, with the following fields:

  • resource.title
  • resource.class
  • resource.links
  • resource.entityLinks - Sub-entities that are embedded links
  • resource.entityRepresentations - Sub-entities that are embedded representations
  • resource.actions

Additionally there are some helper methods to determine if classes - or rels, in the case of links - are available without having to manually inspect the entire array.

Note that the link, entityLinks and entityRepresentations are standard JavaScript arrays, and actions is a standard JavaScript object. This allows for all normal functionality to be used:

const selfLink = resource.links.find((link) => link.hasRel('self'));

Following links

Links can be followed by using the fetch() method. This is available on entries in the resource.links and resource.entityLinks arrays, and will perform a GET request to the href of the link, and return a new Resource representing the target of the link:

const nextPage = await resource.links.find((link) => link.hasRel('next')).fetch();

Submitting actions

Actions can be submitted in a similar manner, by using the submit() method. The difference here is that they take a payload to be submitted to the href, and that the means that the actions is submitted will be defined by the action. This includes the HTTP method, the URL and the content type of the request.

If the HTTP method is specified as GET then the payload will be converted to a querystring and appended onto to the URL. Otherwise it will be treated as a request body and encoded as appropriate.

At present the only encodings that are supported are:

  • application/json
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded


If an API call fails for some reason, Butes fully supports RFC-7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs. If a response is received with a content type of application/problem+json then a ProblemError will be thrown containing the details of the problem that occurred:

try {
  await client.get('')
} catch (e) {
    const err = e as ProblemError;
    // { "type": "not_found", "title": "Resource not found", "status": 404}


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