This package was written in an attempt to replicate some of the functionality of the popular document store MongoDB. It provides methods to add and store JSON documents, search those documents using an example JSON query, and modify those documents using a search query and a replacement document.
>>> from lds import DocStore
>>> store = DocStore()
>>> store.add('{"name": "oski", "details": {"school": "california", "year": "senior"}}') #add string
>>> store.add({"name": "harry", "details": {"school": "washington", "year": "junior"}}) #add dict
>>>{"year": "junior"})
[{'name': 'harry', 'details': {'year': 'junior', 'school': 'washington'}}]
>>> store.update({"year": "senior"}, {"year": "junior"}, exact=True)
>>>{"year": "junior"})
[{'name': 'oski', 'details': {'year': 'junior', 'school': 'california'}},\
{'name': 'harry', 'details': {'year': 'junior', 'school': 'washington'}}]
Full documentation can be found at:
pip install lds
Requires Python >= 3.5.
This package is not intended for use in production, as of yet. For more comprehensive methods to operate on queries, one should use MongoDB itself. This package is useful for quickly storing a series of documents and querying/modifying them, and therefore may be useful in a proof-of-concept or early-stage application.