Once is an art project made by S. Merlin based on idea of R.Smirnov.
It is a social media and messenger with clear limits:
- You can send only one message a day to each person
- You can post only in your profile and only once a week
The project is aimed at pointing out issues we face being involved in
modern post-internet way of communication, such as: - Anxiety and lack of concentration caused by
endless flow of information - Constant need for "something new" in your device which is
a bad habit and a waste of time - "Quality" of thoughts is replaced by quantity
- The limiteless ability to upload information into the web leads to
increasing of CO2 emission and an increase in the land occupied by huge data centers
This project is under development and is being used as a demo repo and developing polygon.
previous versions were built using React, Redux, Express and MongoDB
On frontend I used:
- Vite
- TypeScript
- Solid
- Effector (+ Patronum)
- Atomic Router
- Styled Components
Backend is built using:
- Typescript
- Fastify (cookies, jwt, websocket)
- Zod
- Supabase (orm)