A utility-first styling library for React Native
zstyle is a utility-first styling library for React Native largely inspired by Tailwindcss, a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
yarn add react-native-zstyle
react-native-svg is required to use the ZIcon component.
yarn add react-native-svg
React Native 0.60 and higher
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
React Native 0.59 and lower
react-native link react-native-svg
Copy the 'zstyle.js' file into the root folder of your React Native project:
cp ./node_modules/react-native-zstyle/src/zstyle.js .
zstyle comes with standard utilities out of the box with some of them being customisable such as colors, margins, paddings, etc...
The 'zstyle.js' file is the place to setup all your customs styling utilities that will be available in the Z components everywhere in your project.
A first version of the official documentation is available here: react-native-zstyle.com
This documentation is explaining the concept of the library as well as listing all availble utilities.
This is a work in progress it still need to get styling examples you can achieve with zstyle.
The zstyle library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.