Foxtrot is bundled in a compressed file, that contains javadoc documentation, libraries, examples and source code.
The structure of the compressed file is as follows:
apidocs/ contains the Foxtrot javadocs
lib/ contains the Foxtrot jars: the core jar and the examples jar
src/ contains the Foxtrot source code
The core jar is lib/foxtrot-core-<version>.jar
and must be included in the classpath.
It is no longer necessary, from Foxtrot version 1.2, to include the Foxtrot core jar in the boot classpath.
This way, Foxtrot is compatible with Java Web Start.
The distribution root directory contains this file and the BSD license.
If a Swing application is contained in myapp.jar
and uses Foxtrot,
then the command line to start it would be similar to this one (in Windows):
java -cp foxtrot-core-3.0.jar;myapp.jar
To run the examples included in the distribution, use the following command line (from the distribution root directory):
java -cp lib\foxtrot-core-3.0.jar;lib\foxtrot-examples-3.0.jar foxtrot.examples.SimpleExample
java -cp lib\foxtrot-core-3.0.jar;lib\foxtrot-examples-3.0.jar foxtrot.examples.InterruptExample
From Foxtrot version 2.0, tests are based on JUnit 3.8.1.
Refer to the documentation on the web site for further details on how to use the Foxtrot API.