Playlistic is a web app to provide an easy way to create, save, edit, and share playlists. I created this app because I was not satisfied with the way playlists have to be made and used on YouTube.
This app was built with a ReactJS frontend written in TypeScript, Auth0 for user authentication, a backend REST API made on AWS that stores playlists, and Netlify functions for secure consumption of the backend API.
Creating playlists: There is no need to be logged in to get started with making a temporary playlist. Simply adding videos with the center search bar will create an auto-looping video player with those videos. The list of videos can be edited or reordered with the drag and drop functionality. A Play/Pause button is also available for the video player.
User management: The Login or Sign-up button, once clicked, redirects the user to the Auth0 authentication website where the user can login or sign up. The user may logout after with a button which appears while logged in.
Playlist management: Upon login, the user can create a playlist and then see a field for Playlist name and a Save button. The user can provide or edit the name of the playlist and save it. After saving, the playlist (with the playlist name and a randomly generated UID) can be found under My Playlists. Saved playlists are listed here and can be deleted with the delete button or selected by clicking on the playlist name.
Sharing playlists: Playlists can be shared to others by clicking the share button which copies a URL to the playlist with username and playlist ID query parameters to the user's clipboard (beside the delete button under My Playlists).