This repository contains a simple RESTful API that store banners into MongoDB. It can be seen as a microservice, like the ones that serve advertisment to webpages. It is an exercise to keep my skill set sharp.
In this fictuanal exercise a banner is an html document.
Read advertisment banners on request from database. Create, Update, Delete banners from the dabase. Simply a CRUD functionality.
- Running mongo db on mongodb://localhost:27017 with dabase banner containg collection banner
- .Net core 2.1
- The banner Id is unique (this design assumtion add complexity for the concusmmer to be aware of the Id as beeing unique)
- If the html sting contains a valid html tags the html is valid (alternatives to the current solution using nuget use regex(improved performence) or a www3 webservice validator(high latency))
- On Create and Update the html string is validated (this design insures that the db contains only valid html based on previous assumtion)
- Logging is done in command line, it can be replaced by logging framework
- Secrets to DB needs to be handled - it is bad to keep them in config
- Doc: https://localhost:44311/swagger/index.html?url=/swagger/v1/swagger.json#/BannerController
- GET: https://localhost:44311/api/banner/?bannerId=
- DELETE: https://localhost:44311/api/banner/
- POST: https://localhost:44311/api/banner with Content-Type: application/json, and body like the sample JSON
DELETE ?bannerId=1
Sample JSON: { "Id": 1, "Html": '<title>Title of the document</title>Content of the document......', "CreateTime": "2019-01-01", "ModifiedTime": "2019-01-02" }