v1.9.8 (2022-02-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Version conflicts for scala-parser-combinators #1461
Closed issues:
- Invalid working directory on graalvm-native-image #1495
- Support ability to add docker command(s) after base image #1488
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1487
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1486
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1485
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1484
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1483
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1482
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1481
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1480
- [Security] Workflow validate-pr.yml is using vulnerable action actions/checkout #1479
- dockerCommands do not appear to be added #1477
Merged pull requests:
- Specify working directory for graalvm-native-image #1496
- Fix #1479, #1480, #1481, #1482, #1483, #1484, #1485, #1486, #1487 #1490
- Remove unused private methods (makeComment). #1474
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator