This is a port of Hamsters orEmpty to Scala 2.13.
Default values for options avoid repeating the same getOrElse
code again and again :
import io.github.hamsters.EmptyOptionValues._
val noneString: Option[String] = None
noneString.orEmpty // ""
val noneInt: Option[Int] = None
noneInt.orEmpty // 0
val noneList: Option[List[String]] = None
noneList.orEmpty // List[String]()
To support other types, you have to declare a new implicit monoid for this types.
Example with the BigDecimal type (already supported) :
implicit val bigDecimalMonoid: Monoid[BigDecimal] = new Monoid[BigDecimal] {
// method used by orEmpty
override def empty: BigDecimal = BigDecimal(0)
override def compose(l: BigDecimal, r: BigDecimal): BigDecimal = l + r
Add this to you build.sbt :
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("loicdescotte", "Hamsters")
libraryDependencies += "io.github.scala-hamsters" % "orEmpty" % "1.0.0"