This project try to show a new injection way in Scala2 and Scala3.
It's a http4s web application. Test page is
In Scala 2 we use ThoughtWorksInc/dsl-domains-cats to handle many Resources in cats-effect. And we use scala implicit syntax to implement some injection like macwire's wire[T]. At least we use zio.ZEnvironment to create a module and use cats.Id to fix a type issue only in Scala 2.
Start and stop command is
In Scala 3.1 we use typelevel/cats-effect-cps to replace dsl-domains-cats
since dsl-domains-cats
only support Scala 2.
We also use zio.ZEnvironment to create a module. And the usage of given is more simple.
Start and stop command is
In Scala 3.2 we just use for comprehensions embbed by given. This shows the powerful syntax of scala.
zio.ZEnvironment is still used for moduling.
Anyway you can use the sample above like Scala 3.1.
Start and stop command is