This repository provides a client library for any service that relies on Vault. This repository also provides a CLI binary to interact with Vault.
This client supports a part of the protocol described in Vault's repository. The relevant parts are:
- Create account
- Generate account access key
- List accounts
- Delete account
- Authenticate V2
- Authenticate V4
- Get email addresses
- Get canonical ids
You can check our quickstart guide.
In order to contribute, please follow the Contributing Guidelines.
To use vaultclient with an existing S3 Connector deployment, Vault requires the use of AWS signature v4 and valid administration credentials in its administrative interfaces (that is: to create, delete, and list accounts, users, and access keys). To vaultcient for an existing deployment, admin credentials need to be captured from the supervisor node. The admin credentials are stored in the same folder as the inventory file post S3 Connector deployment completion. For example:
$> cat federation/env/s3config/vault/admin-clientprofile/admin1.json
"accessKey": "<administrative access key for Vault>",
"secretKeyValue": "<administrative secret key for Vault>"
There are three ways of passing the content of the file to vaultclient:
Name the file
and place it in your home folder; that is:~/.vaultclient.conf
Set environment variable
with the path of the file:export VAULT_CONFIG=<filepath>
Pass the filepath in the command line with option
An example of the third option is:
$ bin/vaultclient create-account --name account0 --email d3v@null \
--config <path>
To use it outside the S3 Connector's Docker container environment, Vaultclient needs an environment with Node.js 10.x and the latest version of Yarn installed.
Recommended Node version: 10.x
Node.js can be installed from and Yarn can be installed from
Open a terminal and run the following:
# Clone this repository in a folder in your home.
$> git clone ~/vaultClient
# Go into the cloned folder.
$> cd ~/vaultClient
# Install relative dependencies.
$> yarn install
# Configure the Vault administrator credentials in the same directory,
# using the format shown in the following example.
$> cat admin.conf
"accessKey": "<administrative access key for Vault>",
"secretKeyValue": "<administrative secret key for Vault>"
# Use the vaultclient binary with the prefix shown in the following example.
$> ./bin/vaultclient --config ./admin.conf --host <S3C-storage-node-IP> \
--port 8600 <subcommand>
Alternatively, if you are using S3 Connector storage node, vaultclient can be
found in the scality-vault
Docker container.
# SSH to a storage node and exec to the scality-vault Docker container.
$> docker exec -it scality-vault bash
# Change directories to that of vaultclient.
$> cd node_modules/vaultclient/
# Configure the Vault administrator credentials in the same directory,
# using the format shown in the following example.
$> cat admin.conf
"accessKey": "<administrative access key for Vault>",
"secretKeyValue": "<administrative secret key for Vault>"
# You can use the vaultclient binary with the prefix described
# by the following parameters:
$> ./bin/vaultclient --config ./admin.conf --host --port 8600 \
For general help, run:
$> ./bin/vaultclient -h
For help on a specific command, run:
$> ./bin/vaultclient subcommand -h
$> ./bin/vaultclient create-account -h
Usage: create-account [options]
-h, --help output usage information
--name <NAME>
--email <EMAIL>
See examples to have an overview of all available commands.
See examples to know how to set up https.
See examples to know how to set up and use the API from javascript code.
The programmatical client supports both the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. HTTP is
the default protocol. To enable HTTPS, set the constructor's argument useHttps
to true.
See examples to know how to see all constructor arguments.
const vaultclient = require('vaultclient');
const client = new vaultclient.Client('', 8500,
true, // This argument set up https
To enable two way https encryption, set the constructor argument cert
and key
to the content of the client certificate. To use your own
certificate authority, set the constructor argument ca
to the content of
your authority certificate.
Vault administrative credentials must be passed to the constructor if using an administrative route.
See examples to know how to see all constructor arguments.
const vaultclient = require('vaultclient');
const client = new vaultclient.Client('', 8500, false,
undefined, undefined, undefined, true, '7C66DCVN609K7ZHDBVZ0',
client.createAccount('account0', { email: 'dev@null' }, (err, data) => {