A Julia package for measuring elapsed CPU time in Julia.
You should only use this package if you know what you're doing - CPU time on multi-core processors is a tricky beast. Please at least read the discussion in Issue #1 before proceeding. Once you've done that, to install call:
from the Julia command line.
The exported functions and macros, as well as their absolute time equivalents, are listed in the following table.
Real time (Julia standard library) | CPU time (CPUTime.jl) |
time_ns() | CPUtime_us() |
tic() | CPUtic() |
toq() | CPUtoq() |
toc() | CPUtoc() |
@time | @CPUtime |
@elapsed | @CPUelapsed |
Note that the finest resolution for CPU time is microseconds, as opposed to nanoseconds for absolute time.
using CPUTime
function add_and_sleep()
x = 0
for i in 1:10_000_000
x += i
@time @CPUtime add_and_sleep()
elapsed CPU time: 0.000174 seconds
1.005624 seconds (32 allocations: 1.109 KiB)