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keywords: aws, terraform, kinesis, lambda, log groups, s3, glacier, sqs

this repo is supposed to provide an example of how to create a log flow. push your log events from the log groups to s3, glacier, and sqs. all resources will be created with terraform.


either install aws-cli and sign in or create or use an existing ssh key and you can then run the terraform scripts directly. Otherwise you add the keys in as explained here: terraform docs have some event source that pushes logs to a cloud watch log group. an easy example would be cloud trail -> cloud watch see here:

getting started

make sure you somehow provide authentification (see prerequisites).

update with your settings:

  • aws_region: region you want to use
  • log_group_name: log group that is used as the source for the events that will be pushed to kinesis

then run:

terraform plan

to check out what resources would be created

then run:

terraform apply

to create the resources (this can take a couple of minutes)

if you want to destroy the resources run:

terraform destroy



acknowledgement: diagram made with


running this terraform script is most likly going to cost you some money just as it would cost you money to create those resources via aws-cli, the console or other means.

The Lambda function that moves events to s3

The lambda function is created with dotnet core. I used amazons yeoman template to create => yeoman template github if you want to change the function you can build a new deployable package by navigating to MoveLogsToS3/src/MoveLogsToS3 and run

dotnet lambda package

then navigate to bin/Release/netcoreapp1.0 and copy to /lambdas