This example uses the pysolarmanv5 module to read and write registerdata.
The hardcoded registers are for Deye Microinverters like:
SUN 300/500/600/800/1000/1300/1600/2000
See "Usage"
Registerlist from Triple S for Deye_SUN600G3-230-EU:
My examplescript handle three inverters at once. Change it, if you want. Tested with Deye_SUN1600G3-230-EU.
Setup your inverter details.
inverter_ip_list = ["your_first_ip", "your_second_ip", "your_third_ip"] # one ore more inverters
inverter_sn_list = [1234567890, 1234567890, 1234567890] # device serial number
inverterport = 8899 # standardport
mqtt_inverter_name = ["Deye1600_001", "Deye1600_002", "Deye1600_003"] # change if you want other friendly names
mqtt_user = "your_user" # mqtt_server username
mqtt_pw = "your_password" # mqtt_server password
mqtt_srv = "your_ip" # mqtt_server ip
mqtt_port = 1883 # mqtt_server port
User options
usage: [-h] [-apr APR_VALUE] [-dt] [-mqtt] [-rsr RS_REGISTER] [-wsr Register Value]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-apr APR_VALUE write power output (value from 1 to 100)
-dt write date and time (reg 22,23,24)
-mqtt all actions pushed to mqtt client
-rsr RS_REGISTER read single register (value from 0 to 65535)
-wsr Register Value write single register (40 100) Caution !!!
For reading only register, use no argument.
usage: python3
For reading only register and push all to mqtt.
usage: python3 -mqtt
So in sum, "-mqtt" can be combined with all flags and all output lands in the mqtt_client.
If not set, all output lands on the local console.
- 1.0 - Switched to asyncio. Since this version PySolarmanV5Async is necessary.
- 0.9 - Added WakeUpTime topic.
- 0.8 - Added Running_Status
- 0.7 - Added every5min loop with ping to -dt. Best start script @sunrise.
- 0.6 - Changed MQTT as optional
- 0.5 - Added Write Single Register and Write Actual Time
- 0.4 - Added Read Single Register
- 0.3 - Added Active_Power_Regulation
- 0.2 - Added MQTT
- 0.1 - Initial Setup