The analysis part is based on ntuples made from
To run the analyzer, first do
git clone
cd WG_Analysis/
If you are on bash:
or if you are on tcsh:
source setup.csh
If this is your first time to run the analysis, compile the core first:
cd Analysis/TreeFilter/Core
Then modify the script in RecoResonance:
cd ../RecoResonance/scripts/
change the base, output_base, and options.PUPath in if necessary. (By default the base should be already pointed to the correct ntuples. And the PU files should be correct as well. So in principle you only need to modify the output_base to your directory.)
Also change the preselections if needed. Here the make_final_mug is called in Line 243-251. Comment out these lines and uncomment other preselections you want.
After setting up the config file
cd ..
If you want to submit jobs, do
python scripts/
If you want your jobs to run locally, do
python scripts/ --local
After finishing, check if all events in the input files have been processed by
python scripts/ --check
More information on the Twiki. Try search 'how to process ntuples'
For the MET filter, it's under
Line 211-213 or Line 263-265
The three lines will pass the cut ids to FilterMET and select events passing these 7 flags, recommended by the MET group (Twiki).
The filter id and name map can be found in the ntuples from UMDNTuple/FilterInfoTree
If you need to apply the MET filter, simply copy these three lines to the pre-selection function, like in make_final_elg or make_final_mug.
After processing, your new ntuples should contain about 20 branches, such as Flag_BadPFMuonFilter, and if everything is correct, the 7 flags should always be 1 in the new ntuples, i.e.,
After finishing the above, please be careful if you are using inclusive and binned MC samples, you might need to run FilterOverlap to remove overlapping between different MC samples,
cd WG_Analysis/Analysis/TreeFilter/FilterOverlap/scripts/
and modify the base in
to the your output.
If this is your first time to run FilterOverlap, please
cd WG_Analysis/Analysis/TreeFilter/FilterOverlap/
mkdir obj
Otherwise it would go into problem when compiling. Finally,
cd ..
python scripts/
In theory the cuts should be the same so you don't need to change other settings.
Go to the Plotting directory first. Open the Makefile, change the OUTPUTMAIN
to wherever you want to save the results.
root -l My_double_CB/
to compile Double Crystal Ball. (This function is taken from the HiggsCombine code (Here.))
make signal
to fit the signal templates with double sided crystal ball function and save the fit results (pdfs, vars and norms) into the workspace. After this, a new directory will be created with some root files containing the signal workspaces and fitting plots under the OUTPUTMAIN
directory you just set.
After preparing the signal workspaces, you can do
make mcbkg
to prepare the bkg templates for different backgrounds. The default is WGamma only. One could change this in the Makefile. Similarly, new root files with workspaces for backgrounds and fitting plots will be created in the OUTPUTMAIN
directory as well.
When the signal and bkg are all done, if you want to run the limit settings, first you have to set up and compile the Higgs Combine code. Create a new directory wherever you like and follow the instructions from
(For now we are using the CMSSW_8_1_X version. So you could follow the instructions starting from
(In the last step, instead of scramv1 b
, you may want to do scramv1 b -j 6
or scramv1 b -j 8
to increase the number of CPUs used for compiling, in order to speed things up.)
After compiling the HiggsCombine code, change the DIR_Combine
in the Makefile to the src location of the CMSSW_8_1_X you just set. Then do
make fits
This will collect the signal and background workspaces, generate the datacard and the code to run combine, and submit the jobs to condor. All these will be saved in the subdirectory under the DIR_Combine/TEST
. It might take a few mintues to finish, and after that you will get a few json files with limits for different signal widths and masses, saved in the same directory.
Finally you can load the json file and plot the limits. CombineHarvester has provided some functions and scripts for that. Search 'Plotting' from the above link and you will find some useful information.