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Add draggable object base & draggable Line2D implementation
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sco1 committed Jun 12, 2024
1 parent c5bd05a commit 79f9def
Showing 1 changed file with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions matplotlib_window/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
import typing as t
from enum import StrEnum

from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.backend_bases import Event, FigureCanvasBase, MouseEvent
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from numpy import typing as npt

COORD_T: t.TypeAlias = tuple[float, float]
CALLBACK_T: t.TypeAlias = t.Callable[[Event], t.Any]
PLOT_OBJ_T: t.TypeAlias = Line2D
NUMERIC_T: t.TypeAlias = float | int

COMMON_OBJ_ID = "dragobj" # Label created object(s) URL for downstream event filtering

class Orientation(StrEnum): # noqa: D101
VERTICAL = "vertical"
HORIZONTAL = "horizontal"

class _DraggableObject:
Common draggable plot object base class.
This should not be instantiated directly, child classes are responsible for setting the
necessary class variables for proper functionality prior to calling `register_plot_object`,
which attaches common callbacks to the figure.
Child classes must define:
* `on_motion` callable
* `snap_to` plot object, if desired
Common callbacks registered by this base class are:
* `on_click`
* `on_release`

clicked: bool
click_x: float
click_y: float

# Defined by child classes prior to registration
on_motion: CALLBACK_T
snap_to: PLOT_OBJ_T | None

# Defined on registration
myobj: Line2D
parent_axes: Axes
parent_canvas: FigureCanvasBase
# The canvas retains only weak references so retain just in case
click_press: int
mouse_motion: int
click_release: int

def register_plot_object(self, plot_object: PLOT_OBJ_T, ax: Axes) -> None:
Attach the provided draggable plot object to the figure & connect callbacks.
This must be called by any child class, which is responsible for instantiating the relevant
plot object, and, if desired, setting the desired `snap_to` plot object.
All draggable objects have their `url` set to a common string, defined by the module-level
`COMMON_OBJ_ID`, to aid with downstream filtering.
self.parent_axes = ax

if ax.figure is not None:
self.parent_canvas = ax.figure.canvas
raise ValueError("I don't know how we got here, but there's no figure.")

self.myobj = plot_object

self.click_press = self.parent_canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.on_click)
self.clicked = False

def should_move(self, event: MouseEvent) -> bool:
Determine whether this instance is the topmost object that fired the event.
If multiple draggable objects overlap, it is possible that more than one object will fire
events. This method can be used to limit movement to the topmost rendered object that fired
the event.
Draggable objects are assumed to be tagged with a common `url` string, and the topmost
rendered object is assumed to be closest matching object to the end when iterating through
the parent axes' children.
contains, _ = self.myobj.contains(event)
if not contains:
return False

firing_objs = []
for c in self.parent_axes.get_children():
if c.get_url() == COMMON_OBJ_ID:
contains, _ = c.contains(event)
if contains:

if firing_objs[-1] is self.myobj:
return True
return False

def on_click(self, event: Event) -> t.Any:
Mouse click callback.
When clicking on a draggable object, connect the relevant callbacks:
* `"motion_notify_event"` -> `self.on_motion` (defined by child class)
* `"button_release_event"` -> `self.on_release`
if not isinstance(event, MouseEvent):
# Type narrowing, matplotlib dispatches a MouseEvent here so shouldn't ever trip this

if event.inaxes != self.parent_axes:

if not self.should_move(event):

if (event.xdata is None) or (event.ydata is None):

self.click_x, self.click_y = (event.xdata, event.ydata)
self.clicked = True

self.mouse_motion = self.parent_canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.on_motion)
self.click_release = self.parent_canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self.on_release)

def on_release(self, event: Event) -> t.Any:
Mouse button release callback.
When the mouse button is released, disconnect the callbacks connected by `self.on_click`.
if not isinstance(event, MouseEvent):
# Type narrowing, matplotlib dispatches a MouseEvent here so shouldn't ever trip this

self.clicked = False

class DragLine(_DraggableObject):
Draggable `Line2D` instance.
`snap_to` may be optionally specified as an instance of another `Line2D` object to prevent
dragging of the line beyond the extent of the plotted data.
All kwargs not explicitly named by `__init__` are passed through to the `Line2D` constructor,
allowing the user to specify custom line formatting in a form expected by `Line2D`.

def __init__(
ax: Axes,
position: float | int,
orientation: Orientation = Orientation.VERTICAL,
snap_to: Line2D | None = None,
color: str = "limegreen",
**kwargs: t.Any,
) -> None:
self.orientation = orientation

line_pos = (position, position) # matplotlib expectes a coordinate pair
if orientation == Orientation.HORIZONTAL:
obj = Line2D(xdata=ax.get_xlim(), ydata=line_pos, color=color, **kwargs)
elif orientation == Orientation.VERTICAL:
obj = Line2D(xdata=line_pos, ydata=ax.get_ylim(), color=color, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported orientation provided: '{orientation}'")

self.register_plot_object(obj, ax)

# If provided, check if snap_to is a valid lineseries with data in it
if snap_to is not None:
except AttributeError as e:
raise ValueError("Cannot provide an empty lineseries to snapto") from e

self.snap_to = snap_to

def on_motion(self, event: Event) -> t.Any:
On motion callback.
Update the position of the line to follow the position of the mouse at the time the event is
fired. If `self.snap_to` is not `None`, motion of the line will be limited to the extent of
the data plotted by the specified `Line2D`.
if not isinstance(event, MouseEvent):
# Type narrowing, matplotlib dispatches a MouseEvent here so shouldn't ever trip this
if not self.clicked:
if event.inaxes != self.parent_axes:
if (event.xdata is None) or (event.ydata is None):

if self.orientation == Orientation.VERTICAL:
if self.snap_to:
new_pos = limit_drag(self.snap_to.get_xdata(), event.xdata)
new_pos = event.xdata

self.myobj.set_xdata((new_pos, new_pos))
elif self.orientation == Orientation.HORIZONTAL:
if self.snap_to:
new_pos = limit_drag(self.snap_to.get_ydata(), event.ydata)
new_pos = event.xdata

self.myobj.set_ydata((new_pos, new_pos))


def limit_drag(plotted_data: npt.ArrayLike, query: float) -> float:
"""Clamp the query value within the bounds of the provided dataset."""
# Data series may not be sorted, so use min/max
# I'm not sure how to properly type annotate this right now
min_val, max_val = plotted_data.min(), plotted_data.max() # type: ignore[union-attr]
if query > max_val:
return max_val # type: ignore[no-any-return]
elif query < min_val:
return min_val # type: ignore[no-any-return]
return query

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