Instead of writing CreateWindowEx everywhere and remebering all the constants, flags, and messages that go for each control, I made this helper library that wraps around the Windows API and makes it fast and easy to develop simple GUI applications on Windows platform.
#include "win32gui.h"
Form *form;
Label* caption;
ComboBox *cb;
TextBox *txt_proxy;
Button *btn_enable;
Button *btn_disable;
void btnEnableHandler(int code, void *extra){
MessageBox(0, "Button was clicked!", L"caption", 0);
int _main(){
Application app;
// give us a form with everything except maximize box
form = new Form(L"IE Proxy Switcher", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ^ WS_MAXIMIZEBOX);
form->setSize(300, 220);
HICON icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));
caption = new Label(L"Nova Proxy Switcher v1.1", form);
caption->setPosition(50, 20);
caption->setSize(300, 30);
caption->setFont(L"Arial", 20, true);
cb = new ComboBox(form);
cb->setSize(250, 50);
cb->setPosition(10, 60);
//cb->CommandHandler = cbHandler;
cb->addItem(L"Direct Connection - No Proxy");
cb->addItem(L"Proxy Auto-Config URL");
cb->addItem(L"Proxy Server - manual");
txt_proxy = new TextBox(L"", form);
txt_proxy->setPosition(10, 90);
txt_proxy->setSize(220, 22);
//txt_proxy->CommandHandler = textHandler;
btn_enable = new Button(L"Enable Proxy", form);
btn_enable->setPosition(10, 120);
btn_enable->setSize(100, 25);
btn_enable->CommandHandler = btnEnableHandler;
btn_disable = new Button(L"Disable Proxy", form);
btn_disable->setPosition(120, 120);
btn_disable->setSize(100, 25);
return 0;