SPAWS is a library for widget stores to support synchronising "paradata" including reviews, ratings, and download stats using the Learning Registry.
There is some more background information here:
The main entry point to SPAWS is the ParadataManager class. Instances of this class can publish and retrieve paradata from a Learning Registry Node.
For example:
node = new Node(myNodeUrl);
ISubmitter submitter = new Submitter();
ParadataManager manager = new ParadataManager(submitter, node);
List<ISubmission> submissions = manager.getExternalSubmissions("");
See the ParadataManager class for descriptions for all the methods available.
For a more detailed example, see the UserReviewService class in the Edukapp project.
Release artefacts are available from the Sonatype OSS repository for inclusion using Maven or Ivy. For Maven, you can use the following in your pom.xml:
To include the Sonatype repository, add:
Note that SPAWS relies on the LRJavaLib library jar being available; for more information see
The ParadataManager is the class you use to access a Node and to handle all interactions.
A new ParadataManager is constructed with a Submitter and a Node as arguments. The Submitter represents the system that is interacting with the node - your application. The Node is the node you want to work with.
Node node = new Node(new URL(""), "me", "mynodepassword");
Submitter submitter = new Submitter();
submitter.setSubmitter("testo") // the submitter name
submitter.setSubmissionAttribution("testo"); // the attribution
submitter.setSigner("testo"); // the signer
submitter.setSubmissionTOS(""); // the license
ParadataManager manager = new ParadataManager(submitter, node);
Note that you should use your site URL if possible as your submitter name so it doesn't clash with others.
The ParadataManager class has lots of methods for finding submissions. The most basic case is you want to find all submissions about a particular app that didn't originate from your system:
List<ISubmission> submissions = manager.getExternalSubmissions("");
You can also restrict this to submissions using a particular verb:
List<ISubmission> submissions = manager.getExternalSubmissions("","reviewed");
The ParadataManager class provides these as a convenience, however you can also use the classes in the filters package to make your own specialized requests.
The ParadataManager offers a batch method for sending a set of submissions. For example:
List<ISubmission> submissions = new ArrayList<ISubmission>();
submissions.add(new Submission(new Actor("Bill"), new Rating(1), WIDGET_URI));
submissions.add(new Submission(new Actor("Amy"), new Rating(1), WIDGET_URI));
submissions.add(new Submission(new Actor("Chloe"), new Rating(1), WIDGET_URI));
submissions.add(new Submission(new Actor("Dave"), new Review("Great"), WIDGET_URI));