A privacy-based messaging app built with a MySQL database using Model View Controller (MVC) paradigm to focus on connecting with those you love.
Live Application: Tella Messageing App
- Express-handlebars
- Model-View-Controller paradigm
- MySQL2
- Sequelize
See installation.md for instructions on setting up this project.
UC Berkeley Extension Coding Bootcamp - Module 14: Model-View-Controller (MVC)
AS An End-User
I WANT to be able to login to view and send messages as well as add a specific contact to my Messaging App.
SO THAT I communicate with my friend list as well as block the unwanted messages from specific users.
GIVEN a messaging website
THEN I am presented with a login screen
WHEN I enter my login credentials and submit
THEN I am sent to the home page with a list of my conversations
WHEN I choose to create a new conversation
THEN I am prompted to enter the conversation title and upon submitting, the conversation is added to my list of conversations.
WHEN I select a conversation to view
THEN I am presented with the given messages of that conversation.
WHEN I choose to Send a message
THEN a message is added to the conversation with the user’s name, message text and timestamp.
WHEN I choose to Add a new contact
THEN I am presented with a prompt to add First Name, Last Name, and Email of the new contact.
WHEN I submit the new contact details
THEN that contact is validated to make sure it exists in the database, and if so, added to my contacts
WHEN I choose to Delete a message
THEN I am prompted to confirm deletion