Tracking international maritime activity between 1750 and 1850. Geography 575 Final Project.
Number of Attributes: 141
Number of Records: 280280
Number of Records with Coordinates: 257983
Number of Ships: 949
Number of Companies: 26
Number of Ship Types: 109
Number of records with wind direction: 270238
Number of records with air temperature: 54265
Number of records with weather code: 95390
Number of records with SST Reading: 120
Number of records with humidity reading: 330
Number of records with cloud fraction reading: 95
Number of records reporting sea state: 59559
header = ['RecID', 'InstAbbr', 'LogbookLanguage', 'VoyageFrom', 'VoyageTo', 'ShipName', 'ShipType', 'Company',
'OtherShipInformation', 'Nationality', 'Name1', 'Rank1', 'Name2', 'Rank2', 'ZeroMeridian', 'ObsGen',
'DistUnits', 'DistToLandmarkUnits', 'DistTravelledUnits', 'LongitudeUnits', 'VoyageIni', 'UnitsOfMeasurement',
'Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'UTC', 'Distance', 'Lat3', 'Lon3', 'Anchored', 'AnchorPlace', 'WindDirection',
'AllWindDirections', 'WindForce', 'WindForceScale', 'AllWindForces', 'WindScale', 'Weather', 'ShapeClouds',
'DirClouds', 'Clearness', 'PrecipitationDescriptor', 'CloudFrac', 'Gusts', 'Rain', 'Fog', 'Snow', 'Thunder',
'Hail', 'SeaIce', 'SSTReading', 'SSTReadingUnits', 'StateSea', 'CurrentDir', 'CurrentSpeed', 'TairReading',
'AirThermReadingUnits', 'ProbTair', 'BaroReading', 'AirPressureReadingUnits', 'BarometerType', 'BarTempReading',
'BarTempReadingUnits', 'HumReading', 'HumidityUnits', 'HumidityMethod', 'PumpWater', 'WaterAtThePumpUnits',
'LifeOnBoard', 'LifeOnBoardMemo', 'Cargo', 'CargoMemo', 'ShipAndRig', 'ShipAndRigMemo', 'Biology', 'BiologyMemo',
'WarsAndFights', 'WarsAndFightsMemo', 'Illustrations', 'OtherRem']
Project proposal:
Wireframe drafts:
Update: Check data folder for API and Database update. (Scott 3/19) Update: Added googledocs link (Scott 3/28)