DEPRECATED: I abandoned this project years ago. It never went anywhere and GitHub eventually added some of the features I was looking to build on top of their API anyway.
- Make sure you have RVM installed.
- Make sure you have ruby-1.9.2-p180 installed via RVM.
- The first time you cd into this directory, you may be prompted to trust the .rvmrc file. Say 'yes'.
- The first time, this will create the necessary gemset and install gems.
- Any other time you cd into this directory, it will check to see if there are any other gems that need to be installed (via bundler).
- Installed gems are only installed to the rvm environment specific to this app.
- The first time cd-ing into this directory checks for bundler, you may have issues with an existing bundler installed in your ~/.gem directory. If that is the case, simply remove that directory's bin dir from your $PATH and cd out and back into this directory.