A patch to update the headers of ADFOSC observations
Head_Manage_ULogs_v01.py -- Main script to be used from command line --- it can be easily integrated with a wrapper loop or cron job It runs from command line with the following options
Running script Head_Manage_ULogs_v01.py usage: Head_Manage_ULogs_v01.py [-h] [-i INPFILE [INPFILE ...]] [-l LOG_PATH] [-m LOGMODE] [-t TTOL] [--listtol LISTTOLT] [-c CONF] [--sitelinfo SITELINFO] [--headtemp HEADTEMP]
Handle input fits file and + to update headers
options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPFILE [INPFILE ...], --inpfl INPFILE [INPFILE ...] pass the name of fits file of list to update the headers -l LOG_PATH, --log_path LOG_PATH Complete link of the LOG files database -m LOGMODE, --lmode LOGMODE The interger to supply the mode of handling log files. Options are '0' or '1' with default of '0' 0: using frame time and a tolarance to list the logs for database 1: using all logs in the database and create matrix for further processing -t TTOL, --ttol TTOL The tolerance time used to pinpoint the PARAMS to couple with the DATE-OBS in the frame --listtol LISTTOLT The tolerance time used to list all the log files to create database -c CONF, --conf CONF The YAML file containing the information about the site and telescopes --sitelinfo SITELINFO The YAML file containing the information about the site and telescopes --headtemp HEADTEMP The YAML file containing the header template as per ARIES's convension