The IARF bases .cl script to analyze the optical CCD photometry images -Aperture Photometry Only
Working IRAF installed
Working installed with appropriate index files
Working DS9 tool for image visualization
Important input files: A) "numfile" or change the name in the main code as applicable - ASCII format
Description: A file listing all the directories which contains images from the MIRO observations. These directories should have all the calibration files (master FLATS and BIAS frames) in it.
B) "filterlist" or or change the name in the main code as applicable - ASCII format
Description: A file listing all the filters (Character or Strings that is part of file names e.g., R for Rband etc.)
C) "listfile.txt" or change the name in the main code as applicable - ASCII format
Description: A file listing sky coordinates of all the stars in the field one per line, e.g.,
15:12:50.521 -09:05:59.71
15:12:51.651 -09:05:23.18
15:12:53.216 -09:03:42.13
15:12:44.297 -09:06:39.74
15:12:52.782 -09:06:59.40
15:13:01.438 -09:06:40.22
D) "cmds" : ASCII file containng one line for executing a command to edit header
Main Script Name : The IARF bases .cl script to analyze the optical CCD photometry images -Aperture Photometry Only
Working IRAF installed
Working installed with appropriate index files
Important input files: A) "numfile" or change the name in the main code as applicable - ASCII format
Description: A file listing all the directories which contains images from the MIRO observations. These directories should have all the calibration files (master FLATS and BIAS frames) in it.
B) "filterlist" or or change the name in the main code as applicable - ASCII format
Description: A file listing all the filters (Character or Strings that is part of file names e.g., R for Rband etc.)
C) "listfile.txt" or change the name in the main code as applicable - ASCII format
Description: A file listing sky coordinates of all the stars in the field one per line, e.g.,
15:12:50.521 -09:05:59.71
15:12:51.651 -09:05:23.18
15:12:53.216 -09:03:42.13
15:12:44.297 -09:06:39.74
15:12:52.782 -09:06:59.40
15:13:01.438 -09:06:40.22
D) "cmds" : ASCII file containng one line for executing a command to edit header
Main Script Name : ""
How to use it:
Keep all the files in your workig directory. Open the script and change the paths as applicable Enter to the IRAF environment e.g., by
cl cl > load improc, imred, ccdproc, ccdred, noao to your working environment noao>
The script shall work fine and display interim products in between...