is an alternative to metalsmith-permalinks
for applying permalinks to your static content.
With npm:
npm install metalsmith-perma
With yarn:
yarn add metalsmith-perma
var metalsmith = require('metalsmith');
var permalinks = require('metalsmith-perma');
pattern: ':title'
metalsmith-perma uses slugify for converting patterns to permalinks. You can pass options to slugify with an options
pattern: ':title'.
options: {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement
remove: null, // regex to remove characters
lower: true // result in lower case
Slugify options
defaults to { lower: true, remove: /!$'"*+,;=?%/ }
, but you can view a full list of options.
Dates are formatted using date-fns/format.
pattern: ':date/:title',
date: 'YYYY'
Permalinks can be defined in the metalsmith pipeline, or in frontmatter.
title: Page Title
permalink: custom-path/to/:title
Permalinks can be skipped in individual files by including permalink: false
title: Page Title
permalink: false
metalsmith-perma allows you to have multiple sets of matching patterns against matching metadata. Works well with metalsmith-collections
posts: {
pattern: 'posts/*.md'
match: { collections: ['post'] },
pattern: 'posts/:title'
Along with pattern matching, you can create different matching patterns of permalinks by including multiple sets of options along with a default
flag to mark the default match.
match: { collections: ['post'] },
pattern: 'posts/:title'
match: { collections: ['authors'] },
pattern: 'authors/:name'
default: true,
pattern: ':title'