An extended λ-calculus interpreter
At its core, landler is a λ-calculus evaluation library and a command-line program that wraps around it. For instance, you can use the library interactively with GHCi:
% ghci
GHCi, version 7.0.4: :? for help
Prelude> :m +Language.Landler
Prelude Language.Landler> dance "(\\x y. y x) World Hello"
[(((\x y. y x) World) Hello,"subst"),((\y. y World) Hello,"subst"),(Hello World,"stuck")]
The command-line program, landler
provides a convenient interface to
the library and includes some extra features such as let-bindings:
% cat > fix.lambda
let id = (\x. x)
let fix = (\f. (\x. f (x x)) (\x. f (x x)))
(fix id)
% landler fix.lambda
fix id
(\f. (\x. f (x x)) (\x. f (x x))) id
(\x. id (x x)) (\x. id (x x))
id ((\x. id (x x)) (\x. id (x x)))
(\x. x) ((\x. id (x x)) (\x. id (x x)))
(\x. id (x x)) (\x. id (x x))
The landler
CLI program can also be used as a REPL; just run it
without any arguments:
% landler
landler, version <VERSION>: :? for help
∅ > ((\x. x) y)
[((\x. x) y,"subst"),(y,"stuck: top-level is not an application")]
∅ > type (\x y. x)
b → c → b
Development is Makefile
-driven™. That is, I run everything through
the Makefile
To build landler, run:
% make
To build the documentation, run:
% make doc
To install:
% make install
To run the tests (both unit and quickcheck):
% make test
Note that most of these just invoke cabal
behind the scenes.