A package for shared utility scripts that I use in my research projects.
I realised I was copying functionality from project to project. So instead, here it is.
pip install sithom
conda install -c conda-forge sithom
├── CHANGELOG.txt <- List of main changes at each new package version.
├── CITATION.cff <- File to allow you to easily cite this repository.
├── LICENSE <- MIT Open software license.
├── Makefile <- Makefile with commands.
├── pytest.ini <- Enable doctest unit-tests.
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── setup.py <- Python setup file for pip install.
├── sithom <- Package folder.
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│ ├── __init__.py <- Init file.
│ ├── _version.py <- Key package information.
│ ├── curve.py <- Curve fitting w. uncertainty propogation.
│ ├── io.py <- Input output functions (json).
│ ├── misc.py <- Miscellanious utilities.
│ ├── place.py <- Place objects.
│ ├── plot.py <- Plot utilties.
│ ├── time.py <- Time utilties.
│ ├── unc.py <- Uncertainties utilties.
│ └── xr.py <- Xarray utilties.
└── tests <- Test folder.
- Python 3.8+