To use these examples you must download the entire github repository and extract the contents. Download zip on github and then unzip.
Arduino examples can be found in the examples_arduino folder. Inside this folder the temperature folder contains the arduino files for a node that only has a temperature measurement. Open temperature.ino to open this example in the Arduino IDE. The temperature_humidity folder contains files for a node that will read temperature and humidity. Finally, the bme280 folder contains files for the bme280 sensor that reads temperature, humidity, pressure, and altitude. These examples send a message every second containing data. Values from an analogRead of pin 7 is used for each measurement as an example. Replace this reading the the corresponding sensor value and the code should work.
NOTE: RF24 libraries should be installed in the Arduino IDE including RF24, RF24Network, and RF24Mesh.
Raspberry Pi examples are located in the examples folder. Inside this folder the RF24_pb_no_server contains cpp files that can be run with a raspberry pi. To use this program run make
in the directory and then you can run sudo ./RF24Mesh_Example_Master
to print the data in the terminal or ./RF24Mesh_Example_Master >> log.txt
to log it instead.