This application will analyze a set of reviews for a sample dealership and pick out the top three overly positive. Three measures are used to determine the most overly positive sentiment of the reviews. All scores are calculated on a scale from 1-5 to correlate with a five option star rating system. The following scores are used to sort the reviews:
- Average ratings when four or more are provided
- Ratings of employees combined with the total number of employees listed which is weighted at 2x
- Number of
characters in the review body
To run the application either build an executable with mix
run DealerReviews.Cli.main
in iex, or run the mix task with mix cli
This application can also be run in a docker container. Use the following command to build the container:
docker build -t dealer_reviews .
and then run this command to run the application and print to the console:
docker run -it --rm dealer_reviews
Make sure the dockerfile is updated if the elixir version is updated.
Tests can be run with mix test