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A simple Vue store setup. A Wrapper for Pinia, including response states for loading.


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A simple store setup for Vue. (If you use fetch, you need to return data as response. Works directly with axios). Probably the code, you would have written with Pinia, anyway.

  • 📦 Wrapps a Pinia Store in one line
  • 🔧 Customizeable
  • ⏳ Loading States

Pinia is a magical awesome Tool, to create Vue Stores simpler (expecially with TypeScript) and lighter then Vuex.

Retonio is a Tool on top, which return with just 2 arguments a whole store unit, to avoid repetition for standard cases (and slightly above).

In addition, it adds loading states, highly inspired by another amazing tool VueUse. By that you have can render the status of you API call in a vue component.

Possbile coming Feature

  • [] Add Types
  • [] Rewrite in TypeScript
  • [] Single File Store creation
  • [] Simpler way to import
  • [] Vue-Component for Loading


npm install retonio
# or with yarn
yarn add retonio


If you have not setup Pinia already, include it in the main.ts file See official docs:

import { createPinia } from 'pinia'


Create default a Store with Retonio

As with Pinia, create preferably each store in a single file (i. e. in src/store/moudles). (apiAllRecepies is an imported axios function). You need to pass Pinia via config and Id and api call as params

// src/store/modules/allRecepies.ts
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { retonio } from 'retonio';

// API
import { apiAllRecepies } from '@/api/allRecepies.api';

// ----------
// ----------
export const useAllRecepies = retonio({
  id: 'AllRecepies',
  api: useAllRecepies,
  init: defineStore,

Even easier with make command

With make command

  1. Create a Makefile (exactly that name, no extension) or add to your existing Makefile and add following:
	node node_modules/retonio/make-retonio.mjs ts false	$(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))

Just once and you are done.

  1. From you terminal in you root dir type i. e.: make retonio AllRecepies recepies This will create src/store/modules/recepies/AllRecepies.js with same content of the file above.

Just make retonio AllRecepies will create src/store/modules/AllRecepies.js.

With make npm script

Add to the package.json:

"scripts": {
  "retonio": "node node_modules/retonio/make-retonio.mjs js true"

Run npm run retonio or click in vscode in npm scripts at retonio to achive the same as with make

If you prefer TypeScript, change in the Makefile js to ts at node node_modules/retonio/make-retonio.mjs ts false and in the package.json "node src/script/make-retonio.mjs ts true". There might be later a better way to configure it.

This is highly inspired by Laravel Artisan.

Add custom getter path, getter, action, error

In order to so, pass a config object (all items optional). path as string and rest as export function.

// src/store/modules/allRecepies.ts
import { retonio } from 'retonio';

// API
import { apiAllRecepies } from '@/api/allRecepies.api';

// Example for custom action
export function testAction(response) {
  try {
    const recepies = apiCall(response);

    return recepies;
  } catch (error) {
    // alertStore.error({ error: error });
    // ALERT.error({ error: error, messageType });
    return null;

  return response;

// ----------
// ----------
export const useAllRecepies = retonio({
  id: 'AllRecepies',
  api: useAllRecepies,
  init: defineStore,
  action: testAction,

This will create such a Pinia store

import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
// main is the name of the store. It is unique across your application
// and will appear in devtools
export const useAllRecepies = defineStore('main', {
  // a function that returns a fresh state
  state: () => ({
    isFinished: true,
    isLoading: false, // Is ture, as long as it is loading
    error: false,
    response: { /* Response object */ },
  // optional getters
  getters: {
    getData(state) {
    // ...
    // RETURNS
    // Gets raw response (from state.response)
    // OR
    // Nested path if proviced by objet depth (i.e.:
    // OR
    // Return from optional getterHelper
    // ...
  // optional actions
  actions: {
    async fetchData(params = undefined): {
      // ...
      // Fetches response from API call

      // IF RESOLVED
      // Sets raw response (to state.response)
      // OR
      // Sets from optional actionHelper

      // IF REJECTED
      // Logs erroro with Pinia Id to console
      // OR
      // Executes optonal errorHelper

Import store in Vue 3 component

Using setup script (LoadingComponent might be added in the future)

<!-- src/components/RecepieComponent.vue -->
  <!-- Component which hadles loadingState.isLoading to render a spinner -->
  <LoadingComponent :loadingState="loadingState" />

  <!-- Renders a List if it is not loading an has no errror -->
  <RecepieComponent v-if="!loadingState.isLoading && !loadingState.error && recepies" :itemsList="recepies" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  // VUE
  import { computed } from 'vue';

  // STORE
  import { useAllRecepies } from '@/store/modules/allRecepies';
  const allRecepies = useAllRecepies();

  // --------------------------------------
  // --------------------------------------
  allRecepies.fetchData(/* Optional params*/);
  // Get loading state
  const loadingState = computed(() => {
    if (allRecepies.$state) return allRecepies.$state;
    return false;

  // Get data from getter
  const recepies = computed(() => {
    if (allRecepies.getData) return allRecepies.getData;
    return false;


To learn more about Retonio, check cooming soon.




A simple Vue store setup. A Wrapper for Pinia, including response states for loading.







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