Lvm Tan Clu Wrapper
- CLU based wrapper for TwiceAsNice
- Uses a container for deployment and testing.
- Uses podman¹ for building the container.
¹ Setting an alias to use docker might work.
alias podman="sudo docker"
As of version 0.0.9 the container is renamed from ubuntu_lvmt_tan to lvmtan
Beginning with version 0.0.9 the container doesnt have to be build, a container is download automatically from github.
git clone
cd lvmtan
poetry run container_start --kill --name lvm.all
Some linux distributions do not have python >= 3.7 as the standard python3 version.
# as root
yum install python38
# as user
python3.8 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
pip3.8 install poetry
export PATH=~/.local/bin/:$PATH
# as root
zypper ar devel_python
zypper install python39-devel
# as user
python3.9 -m ensurepip --default-pip # Alternatve: python3.9 -m venv ~/.local
pip3.9 install --upgrade pip
pip3.9 install poetry
export PATH=~/.local/bin/:$PATH
For running tests or containers a running RabbitMQ on localhost is expected with guest/guest
git clone
cd lvmtan
# update local py env
poetry update
# build sdist & wheel
poetry build
# build tan container
poetry run container_build
# rebuild tan container from scratch
poetry run container_build --no-cache
# default config test.first.focus_stage-sim.conf
poetry run container_start
poetry run container_stop
# all stages config lvm.all-sim.conf
poetry run container_start --name lvm.all
poetry run container_stop --name lvm.all
# all stages config lvm.all-sim.conf and kill running container
poetry run container_start --kill --name lvm.all
# log of the running container, -f output appended data as the file grows.
podman logs -f lvm.all
# config test.first.focus_stage-svr.conf with real hardware
poetry run container_start --with-hw
poetry run container_stop
# derotator km with real hardware - check confige file config/test/derot/ for correct MOD.TRAJ.CFG.CONNECTION.ADDRESS and MOD.TRAJ.CFG.CONNECTION.MODULE parameters
poetry run container_start --name --with-hw
# debug option, the local version is used instead of the latest github version when the container was built.
poetry run container_start --debug
# run tests
poetry run pytest
# ... include slow tests with enabled log to stdout
poetry run pytest -p no:logging -s -v --runslow
# ... only test 02
poetry run pytest -k
# ... without UI
DISPLAY= poetry run pytest -p no:logging -s -v -k
# publish to pypi
poetry publish --username=USER --password=PASS
# build rpm package
poetry run python bdist_rpm
# build deb package - needs python3-stdeb
poetry run python --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb