This project aims to train a classifier to label posts on the Cal Poly Ridesharing Facebook group as either 'offering' or 'seeking'. The current accuracy (as of 5450d05) is around 98%.
I created this project to quickly and easily find rides. The Facebook page has many posts and it can take a lot of time to scroll through all of them. This project will eventually allow the user to filter based on offering/seeking, location, and date/time leaving.
The php directory holds the code for obtaining the posts using the [Facebook PHP SDK] (../../facebook/php-graph-sdk), preprocessing them, and then storing them in a file or database. We are using PHP 5.6.
If you want to run this program, then you need to make sure to create a config.php file in the same directory. This file should define the following constants:
The Python directory hold the code for training, testing, and classifiying the posts. We are using the naive bayes algorithm from the NLTK library and k nearest neighbor from sklearn library. We are using Python 3. You will need to install NLTK Data - Stopwords Corpus
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python