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Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add) #129

bladrome opened this issue Nov 14, 2019 · 9 comments


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Something wrong with

org-startup-indented t
, normal as org-startup-indented is nil.

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This is just an option. I don't understand why it caused this issue. Can you provide detailed backtrace?

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Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-time-add)
  org-time-add(nil (0 0 400000))
  org-indent-add-properties(#<marker at 1 in> 4 (0 0 400000))
  org-indent-initialize-buffer(#<buffer> (0 0 400000))
  apply(org-indent-initialize-agent nil)
  timer-event-handler([t 0 0 200000 t org-indent-initialize-agent nil idle 0])

where is just empty.

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Please check and provide the information below.

  1. Emacs version
  2. org version
  3. Centaur emacs version
  4. Your private configurations
  5. Reproduce steps
  6. logs and messages, etc.

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  1. emacs: 26.3
  2. org: 9.2.6
  3. Centaur emacs version: at commit e2bdca7 ("Update shackle rules.")
  4. custom.el at
;; For Emacs devel
;; (setq package-user-dir (locate-user-emacs-file (format "elpa-%s" emacs-major-version)))
;; (setq desktop-base-file-name (format ".emacs-%s.desktop" emacs-major-version))
;; (setq desktop-base-lock-name (format ".emacs-%s.desktop.lock" emacs-major-version))

;; Fonts
(when (display-graphic-p)
  ;; Set default font
  (catch 'loop
    (dolist (font '("SF Mono" "Hack" "Source Code Pro" "Fira Code"
                    "Menlo" "Monaco" "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Consolas"))
      (when (member font (font-family-list))
        (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font font :height (cond
                                                             (sys/mac-x-p 130)
                                                             (sys/win32p 110)
                                                             (t 150)))
        (throw 'loop t))))

  ;; Specify font for all unicode characters
  (catch 'loop
    (dolist (font '("Symbola" "Apple Symbols" "Symbol"))
      (when (member font (font-family-list))
        (set-fontset-font t 'unicode font nil 'prepend)
        (throw 'loop t))))

  ;; Specify font for Chinese characters
  (catch 'loop
    (dolist (font '("WenQuanYi Micro Hei" "Microsoft Yahei"))
      (when (member font (font-family-list))
        (set-fontset-font t '(#x4e00 . #x9fff) font)
        (throw 'loop t)))))

;; Mail
;; (setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
;;       smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("" 587 nil nil))
;;       smtpmail-auth-credentials '(("" 587
;;                                    user-mail-address nil))
;;       smtpmail-default-smtp-server ""
;;       smtpmail-smtp-server ""
;;       smtpmail-smtp-service 587)

;; Misc.
(setq confirm-kill-emacs 'y-or-n-p)

(require 'ox-beamer)
(require 'ox-publish)

   (R . t)
   (dot . t)
   (ruby . t)
   (ditaa . t)
   (python . t)
   (octave . t)
   (sqlite . t)
   (perl . t)
   (C . t)

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
    ("9e31aff9afe3c20a33dd966b4c54c6a5151f07659362e4b06bde38ded5370dae" "428754d8f3ed6449c1078ed5b4335f4949dc2ad54ed9de43c56ea9b803375c23" "7356632cebc6a11a87bc5fcffaa49bae528026a78637acd03cae57c091afd9b9" default)))
 '(jdee-db-active-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#282a36" "#57c7ff"))
 '(jdee-db-requested-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#282a36" "#5af78e"))
 '(jdee-db-spec-breakpoint-face-colors (cons "#282a36" "#848688"))
 '(objed-cursor-color "#ff5c57"))

 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((t (:foreground nil))))
 '(aw-leading-char-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face :bold t :height 3.0))))
 '(aw-mode-line-face ((t (:inherit mode-line-emphasis :bold t))))
 '(diff-hl-change ((t (:foreground "#fc20bb"))))
 '(git-timemachine-minibuffer-author-face ((t (:inherit success))))
 '(git-timemachine-minibuffer-detail-face ((t (:inherit warning))))
 '(hl-line ((t (:extend t))))
 '(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :foreground nil))))
 '(macrostep-expansion-highlight-face ((t (:background "#1b1d1e"))))
 '(org-ellipsis ((t (:foreground nil))))
 '(org-pomodoro-mode-line ((t (:inherit warning))))
 '(org-pomodoro-mode-line-break ((t (:inherit success))))
 '(org-pomodoro-mode-line-overtime ((t (:inherit error))))
 '(symbol-overlay-default-face ((t (:inherit (quote region)))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-1 ((t (:inherit (quote highlight)))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-2 ((t (:inherit (quote font-lock-builtin-face) :inverse-video t))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-3 ((t (:inherit (quote warning) :inverse-video t))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-4 ((t (:inherit (quote font-lock-constant-face) :inverse-video t))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-5 ((t (:inherit (quote error) :inverse-video t))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-6 ((t (:inherit (quote dired-mark) :inverse-video t :bold nil))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-7 ((t (:inherit (quote success) :inverse-video t))))
 '(symbol-overlay-face-8 ((t (:inherit (quote dired-symlink) :inverse-video t :bold nil))))
 '(ztreep-arrow-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
 '(ztreep-diff-header-face ((t (:inherit (diff-header bold)))))
 '(ztreep-diff-header-small-face ((t (:inherit diff-file-header))))
 '(ztreep-diff-model-add-face ((t (:inherit diff-nonexistent))))
 '(ztreep-diff-model-diff-face ((t (:inherit diff-removed))))
 '(ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face :strike-through t))))
 '(ztreep-diff-model-normal-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
 '(ztreep-expand-sign-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
 '(ztreep-header-face ((t (:inherit diff-header))))
 '(ztreep-leaf-face ((t (:inherit diff-index))))
 '(ztreep-node-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))))

;;; custom.el ends here

  1. Reproduce steps:
    Just open a org file, like emacs
  2. warning:
Warning (server): Unable to start the Emacs server.
There is an existing Emacs server, named "server".
To start the server in this Emacs process, stop the existing
server or call ‘M-x server-force-delete’ to forcibly disconnect it.


Loading /home/bladrome/.emacs.d/custom.el (source)...
Debug on Error enabled globally
Loading /home/bladrome/.emacs.d/custom.el (source)...done
Set package archives to ‘tuna’
Transient menu for ‘rg’ enabled with key binding: C-c s
[yas] Prepared just-in-time loading of snippets successfully.
ad-handle-definition: ‘easy-mark’ got redefined
Loading /home/bladrome/.emacs.d/recentf...done
Cleaning up the recentf list...done (0 removed)
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Turning on magit-auto-revert-mode...done
Starting new Ispell process aspell with default dictionary...
Entering debugger...
Error in post-command-hook (#[0 "\303\304\301\242\305#\210\300\306�!\205�\0r\211q\210
?\205�\0\307\310\311 \")\207" [#<buffer org-indent.el> (#0) eglot--managed-mode remove-hook post-command-hook nil buffer-live-p apply eglot--connect eglot--guess-contact] 4]): (error "[eglot] Couldn't guess for `emacs-lisp-mode'!")
Error in post-command-hook (#[0 "\303\304\301\242\305#\210\300\306�!\205�\0r\211q\210
?\205�\0\307\310\311 \")\207" [#<buffer Makefile> (#0) eglot--managed-mode remove-hook post-command-hook nil buffer-live-p apply eglot--connect eglot--guess-contact] 4]): (error "[eglot] Couldn't guess for `makefile-gmake-mode'!")
Back to top level
Entering debugger...
Updating buffer list...
Formats have changed, recompiling...done
Updating buffer list...done
ibuffer-projectile: groups set
Commands: m, u, t, RET, g, k, S, D, Q; q to quit; h for help
Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add) [8 times]
Mark set
Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add) [3 times]
Mark set
Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add) [6 times]
Mark set
Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add) [5 times]
C-x C-g is undefined
Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add)
Updating buffer list...done
ibuffer-projectile: groups set
Commands: m, u, t, RET, g, k, S, D, Q; q to quit; h for help
Error running timer ‘org-indent-initialize-agent’: (void-function org-time-add) [8 times]
Mark set

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I believe this issue is caused by your personal configurations below.

(require 'ox-beamer)
(require 'ox-publish)

   (R . t)
   (dot . t)
   (ruby . t)
   (ditaa . t)
   (python . t)
   (octave . t)
   (sqlite . t)
   (perl . t)
   (C . t)

You should put the snippet in (with-eval-after-load 'org).

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Thanks for your kindness, it works.

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jcguu95 commented Mar 1, 2020

I had the same issue, but the solution above did not solve my problem. For those who want try, I added (org-reload) at the end of my config, which solved my problem.

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liar666 commented Mar 29, 2021

I had the same issue, but the solution above did not solve my problem. For those who want try, I added (org-reload) at the end of my config, which solved my problem.

Your problem is probably the same as mine: you have both the builtin version of org-mode and a more recent one. The problem comes from the fact that parts of both versions are loaded together. Using (org-reload) at the end of the config works, but is a dirty solution.

The correct solution (found here: is to load the latest version first and only:
At the very beginning of your ~/.emacs, put something like:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-latest")
(require 'org-loaddefs)

; previous lines must be BEFORE any usage (thus loading) of org-mode, like the following:

In my case, ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-latest is a link to the actual directory. It's not the best solution as I have to recreate it everytime I upgrade my Emacs packages :{ Any cleaner solution is welcome!

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dianrob commented May 12, 2021

I had the same issue, but the solution above did not solve my problem. For those who want try, I added (org-reload) at the end of my config, which solved my problem.

Thanks, mate!

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