This repository is set of Official Sealcode promotional content such as logo, watermarks and our guidelines for their use. These images are intended for press use only and must not be altered in any way.
- #65397C
- #674370
- #5294A1
- #8BBAC4
- RGB(101, 57, 124)
- RGB(103, 67, 112)
- RGB(82, 148, 161)
- RGB(139, 186, 196)
- HSL(279, 37%, 35%)
- HSL(288, 25%, 35%)
- HSL(190, 33%, 48%)
- HSL(191, 33%, 66%)
- C 0.1855 M 0.5403 Y 0.0000 K 0.5137
- C 0.0804 M 0.4018 Y 0.0000 K 0.5608
- C 0.4907 M 0.0807 Y 0.0000 K 0.3686
- C 0.2908 M 0.0510 Y 0.0000 K 0.2314
- 7448
- 7448
- 5415
- 5425
The preferred Sealcode logo (white with bright blue on violet)
Alternative Sealcode logo (violet with bright blue on white)
Alternative Sealcode logo for a greyscale printing or publishing
Alternative Sealcode logo for a black-white printing or publishing
The preferred Sealcode emblem (white with bright blue on violet)
Alternative Sealcode emblem (bright blue on white)
Alternative Sealcode emblem for a greyscale printing or publishing
Alternative Sealcode emblem for a black-white printing or publishing
For use in where required is aspect ratio of 1:1