This dataset is a translation of the Google GoEmotions emotion classification dataset. All features remain unchanged, except for the addition of a new ru_text
column containing the translated text in Russian. For the translation process, I used the Deep translator with the Google engine. You can find all the details in the ru-go-emotions-creation.ipynb
Hugging Face links:
Use Hugging Face datasets library or pandas.
from datasets import load_dataset
ru_go_emotions_simplified = load_dataset("seara/ru_go_emotions", name="simplified")
ru_go_emotions_raw = load_dataset("seara/ru_go_emotions", name="raw")
from datasets import load_dataset
ru_go_emotions_simplified = load_dataset(
"train": "dataset/ru-go-emotions-simplified-train.csv",
"validation": "dataset/ru-go-emotions-simplified-validation.csv",
"test": "dataset/ru-go-emotions-simplified-test.csv",
ru_go_emotions_raw = load_dataset(
"csv", data_files={"train": "dataset/ru-go-emotions-raw.csv"}
My models trained on the simplified version:
0: admiration
1: amusement
2: anger
3: annoyance
4: approval
5: caring
6: confusion
7: curiosity
8: desire
9: disappointment
10: disapproval
11: disgust
12: embarrassment
13: excitement
14: fear
15: gratitude
16: grief
17: joy
18: love
19: nervousness
20: optimism
21: pride
22: realization
23: relief
24: remorse
25: sadness
26: surprise
27: neutral
admiration: восхищение
amusement: веселье
anger: злость
annoyance: раздражение
approval: одобрение
caring: забота
confusion: непонимание
curiosity: любопытство
desire: желание
disappointment: разочарование
disapproval: неодобрение
disgust: отвращение
embarrassment: смущение
excitement: возбуждение
fear: страх
gratitude: признательность
grief: горе
joy: радость
love: любовь
nervousness: нервозность
optimism: оптимизм
pride: гордость
realization: осознание
relief: облегчение
remorse: раскаяние
sadness: грусть
surprise: удивление
neutral: нейтральность