This project is the resolution for a Django challenge by Sebastián Dávila.
- Using django-rest-framework, create CRUD endpoints to interact with the 3 models.
- For Property and Booking, create some basic filters for the list endpoint using django-filters
- Add Tests, specially for the pricing rules calculation. At least the 3 cases described in this file should be covered.
- Feel free to modify the models, but the main focus of this test is the pricing rules calculation.
- Extra points for docstrings, type hinting and return types!
- Please deploy the backend server in heroku or any similar free service
- Extra points for a dockerized solution!
- Add Swagger auto documentation
- Check typing and complete docstrings
- Add PostgreSQL
- Add End To End tests to cover edges
- Rename Property model and fields to rental_property
- Fix bug and clean code for readability.
- Apply named arguments to functions calls.
- Work in progress, add unit tests and evelate coverage. Add exceptions.