Library application lets you create virtual libraries and upload files to these libs. Every uploaded file within the library can be set with return date. After this date all books borrowed by users are automatically returned.
You can also set the author and the title for every book/file in the library.
Users can register to the system and then borrow books from available libraries. When borrowing the book users choose the return date. The return date is not allowed after the date set in by library author for the book.
Users can add reviews for the books.
Application features:
- Users registration
- Users authentication and authorization
- Adding libraries
- Uploading files to libraries
- Editing libraries (adding/removing/changing)
- Borrowing the books
- Automatic returns of the books
- Manual returns of the books
- Adding reviews for the books
- User policies for the actions
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.