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cheikhd97 edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the SOEN341-Instagram wiki!

January 30th - Duration: 60 min - We had a team meeting at 5:45 PM at Concordia University. Members who could not be present physically communicated with the team through video chat. Items of discussion:

  1. Technologies and Frameworks used for the front-end and the back-end.
  2. Planning for the 1st and 2nd sprint.
  3. Assignment of tasks throughout the team.

February 7th - Duration: 60 min - We had a team meeting at 6:00 PM at Concordia University. All of the members were present as we separated the tasks for the second sprint. Nafisa: Creation of the login page (React) Phong: Creation of a session Sebastien: Creation of an account in the database Cheikh: Implementation of Amazon Web Services (AWS) David: Implementation of an image box (Picture, Comment and Likes) Julien: Creation of a user profile page

March 2nd - Duration: 60 min - We had a team meeting at 8:30 PM at Concordia University. Members who could not be present physically were present by video chat. The topics discussed during the meeting were the finalization of the remaining tasks for the project. One of those tasks being the saving of the uploaded pictures. Ways of completing this tasks were being brainstormed by the members. The main idea was to save the pictures using an S3 bucket with Amazon Web Services.

March 4th - Duration: 15 min - Quick meeting. Topic at hand was the use of Amazon Web Services and S3 in the project. The team came to the conclusion that the use of these programs were too complicated and decided to resort to converting images to base-64 as a storing method.

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