This repository has kubernetes archives with simple manifest templates.
Manifest name | Description |
Namespace | Create a Namespace |
Pod | Create pod |
Service | Create service |
Application Load Balancer | Create an Aplication Load Balancer |
Pod with Ingress Controller | Create pod with ingress controller Kong |
ConfigMap | Create config map |
Pod with ConfigMap | Create pod with Config Map |
Install kubectl in its latest version on linux:
This setup requires AWS Cli to be installed.
- aws eks update-kubeconfig --name "cluster name"
- kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
- kubectl run -i --tty --rm debug --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh
If you have permission problems in your cluster, review the "configmap" that contains the users and roles that can modify it.
- kubectl -n kube-system edit configmap aws-auth
- mapUsers: |
- userarn: arn:aws:iam::999999999999:user/useradmin
- username: useradmin
- groups:
- system:masters