Please see the wiki
- mrtrix 3.0 RC2
- many processing/tractography improvements, including new registrations methods, SIFT2, denoise, topup/eddy, bias field corrections, mask upsampling and dilatation, multi-shell multi-tissue, dhollander, better subcortical structure parcellation, tractogram and tdi generation
- code consolidation, automatic config checks
- handle automatically reverse phase-encoding DWI in most cases
- region mapping for subparcellations
- python 3.5
This poject use the MIT License. The full license is in LICENSE.txt in the SCRIPTS distribution.
Copyright (c) [2014] [The SCRIPTS Developers]
When citing SCRIPTS, please cite this work:
Proix T, Spiegler A, Schirner M, Rothmeier S, Ritter P, Jirsa, VK. How do parcellation size and short-range connectivity affect dynamics in large-scale brain network models? NeuroImage, 2016, 142:135-149