a set of PostgreSQL functions written in PLPGSQL:
drop schema if exists dox cascade;
create schema dox;
The save function will create the customers table if it doesn’t exist and save the JSON.
select * from dox.save(table => 'customers', doc => '[wad of json]');
select * from dox.find_one(collection => 'customers', term => '{"name": "Jill"}');
select * from dox.find(collection => 'customers', term => '{"company": "Red:4"}');
One thing that other systems don’t have which PostgreSQL has built in is full-text indexing. This means you can do fuzzy searches on simple terms with an index rather than a full table scan, which will make your DBA quite happy.
There’s nothing you need to do to enable this, aside from following a simple convention. Every document table comes with a tsvector search field:
create table customers(
id serial primary key not null,
body jsonb not null,
search tsvector, --this one here
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now()
When you save a document with a “descriptive key”, it will automatically get dropped into the tsvector search field and indexed:
search text[] = array['name','email','first','first_name','last','last_name','description','title','city','state','address','street', 'company']