DSpace instant development environment using Docker Compose
- Install [Docker] && [docker-compose]
- Have ports 9090 (tomcat), 8000 (to do remote debug) open. Otherwise, you can modify the mappings in docker-compose.yml and in docker-compose-debug.yml respectively to use whichever ports you prefer.
git clone https://github.com/sedici/dspace-docker/
cd dspace-docker
mkdir data/source
git clone [dspace source remote git repo] data/source
Modify .env file
make install
make up
Access http://localhost:9090/
- change
as desired - run
docker-compose run dspace update
ordocker-compose run dspace update-fast
to recompile - wait for tomcat to detect changes and reload the webapps
By default only xmlui webapp is installed. You can change it in docker-compose.yml changing the value of DSPACE_WEBAPPS variable
You can copy a dump file into data
directory before or after running
docker-compose run dspace install
, if data
directory doesn't exist, create it. The dump filename must be bootstrap-dump.sql, otherwise, modify the enviroment variable $BOOTSTRAP_DUMP at Dockerfile using other filename.
If you copy it before running the install command then the database will be populated automatically from your dump file, otherwise you must run
docker-compose run dspace reset-db
To enable remote tomcat debug of DSpace Webapps, you must run either commands next
make up
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-debug.yml up
You can now attach a remote debugger from your IDE just as if Tomcat were running locally. If your development machine is your Docker host, you have to attach to localhost 8000 (you can change the port in docker-compose-debug.yml).
To enable the debug of any command executed with DSPACE_DIR/bin/dspace script, then you must do the following:
- Modifiy the last line of DSpace script (at DSPACE_DIR/bin/dspace) and add the $JPDA_CLI_OPTS option in java incovation:
java $JPDA_CLI_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS -classpath $FULLPATH org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher "$@"
- Barely run a dspace command, start a Socket Attach connection at Port 8001 in Eclipse IDE. To do this, create a new "Java Remote Application" debug configuration with the parametters specified previously.
First edit docker-compose-debug to bind localhost 5005 port to container's 5005 port.
Then, inside the container, go to /dspace/source and run mvn tests with
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=false -Dmaven.surefire.debug test
The test will wait for Eclipse to connect.
Open the Debug Configuration in Eclipse and set up a remote application on port 5005. Run the configuration. The test will resume. You can use break points and all the usual features of Eclipse debugging.
- set tomcat Xmx, Xms, and more in setenv.sh
- Mirar https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#library-definition-files
- implement cronjobs
- add authority managment service
- better dspace logs rotation
- use # TODO por ahora solo se permite github
- split dspace in data and source dirs?
- https://github.com/alanorth/docker-dspace
- https://github.com/kerojohan/DSpace6_0-docker
- https://github.com/QuantumObject/docker-dspace
- https://github.com/4Science/dspace-docker
- https://github.com/uner-digital/DSpace/wiki/
- https://docs.docker.com/develop/dev-best-practices/#how-to-keep-your-images-sm
- https://www.dontpanicblog.co.uk/2017/03/12/tomcat-debugging-in-docker/