A RESTful projector management system that allows teams to reserve projectors, update their reservations, cancel their reservations, and also check the availability of projectors.
Projector bookings can be one time or recurring. A recurring booking is indicated by its first time slot, which contains the information about recurrence interval and the end time when recurrence should stop. For non-recurring bookings, the recurrence interval is set to 0, and end time field is irrelevant.
The projector only grants a recurring meeting, if all possible instances of the meeting (in the current year) can be scheduled on a single projector.
The implementation uses a list of RangeSets (or Interval Trees) to keep track of booked time slots for the current year. When a new POST request is received to reserve a slot, these datastructures are consulted, and if an allocation is possible then it is made. DB is updated accordingly.
If a projector cannot be assigned for the requested slot then the system will suggest next start time when a projector is available. However, next start time is only suggested for non-recurring meetings. If a recurring meeting slot cannot be assigned a projector, system will not suggest another time.
Suppose Team 1 would like to reserve a projector starting from 1PM July 3rd 2017, and they'd like to reserve it for 1 hour.
- A projector can be reserved by sending a POST request to /projector/request with the following JSON content:
{ "startDateTime":"2017-07-03T13:00:00.00Z", "duration":3600000, "recurInterval":0, "recurEndDateTime":"2017-08-01T00:00:00.00Z", "teamID":1 }
- The above booking would start on July 3rd 2017 at 1:00PM(
) and will last for 1 hour(Duration
in milliseconds).recurInterval = 0
indicates that this is a one time meeting.
If the team would like to reserve this projector at this time every 3 days, the POST request should contain the following JSON:
{ "startDateTime":"2017-07-03T13:00:00.00Z", "duration":3600000, "recurInterval":259200000, "recurEndDateTime":"2017-08-01T00:00:00.00Z", "teamID":1 }
The above booking will start on July 3rd 2017 at 1:00PM (as indicated by
), each session would last 1 hour(duration
in milliseconds), and it would recur every 3 days(recurInterval
in milliseconds) till 1st August 2017 (recurEndDateTime
) -
If the allocation was successful below JSON would be returned
{ "projectorID":0, "allocatedID":4 }
if allocation fails, below JSON would be returned
{ "allocatedID":-1 }
if the team would now like to update their booking then they can do so by sending a PUT request to
with the following JSON:{ "allocationID":7, "startDateTime":"2017-07-03T15:00:00.00Z", "duration":0, "recurInterval":259200000, "recurEndDateTime":"2017-08-01T00:00:00.00Z" }
- Where allocationID points to the booking that needs to be changed
To delete a booking send a DELETE request to '/projector/delete` with following JSON:
{ "allocationID":3 }
To get the schedule of a particular projector send a GET request to
.This will return the schedule of projector 1(index 0)
Written in Java, using Spark framework(http://sparkjava.com/) and SQLite 3.3+ as DB
Other dependencies are:
- JDBC SQLite driver
- slf4j api
- org.json api
- Google guava RangeSet
- JUnit
This a maven project, all the dependencies will be handled by maven. Use the following commands:
mvn test
- Executes basic tests on the app -
mvn -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="App"
- Will build and execute the app -
mvn clean package
= Generates 2 jar files under target. jar-with-dependencies can be executed as it includes all the dependencies- The resulting jar can be executed as
java -cp target/LeanTaasCodingTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar App
- The resulting jar can be executed as
App will run on localhost:4567