Query clouds services, save their availability data and provide aggregated information via RESTful API
Default location of configuration file is /etc/oss/availability/config.json.
If there is an environment variable AVAILABILITY_CONF set, it is used as priority. In this case it is important to use absolute path to configuration file.
export AVAILABILITY_CONF=/home/username/oss_configs/availability.json python availability/main.py
Configuration file is plain JSON document which defines Flask, connection to data storage and services quering configuration:
Here is a simple example:
{ "flask": { "PORT": 5020, "HOST": "", "DEBUG": false }, "backend": { "type": "elastic", "connection": [{"host": "", "port": 9200}] }, "period": 60, "regions": [ { "name": "west-1", "services": [ {"name": "nova", "url": "http://foo.example.org:1234/"}, {"name": "cinder", "url": "http://foo.example.org:4567/"} ] }, { "name": "west-2", "services": [ {"name": "keystone", "url": "http://example.org/ab/"}, {"name": "cinder", "url": "http://example.org/cd/"} ] } ], "connection_timeout": 1, "read_timeout": 10, "logging": { "level": "ERROR" } }
Flask configuration is set via flask key and described in official documentation.
The only extra options are HOST and PORT.
Type of backend (currently only "elastic" is supported). Connection to backend (a list of dicts with host and port keys of Elasticsearch)
Period of services availability check, in seconds. Numeric.
List of services to check, by regions. Each item is an object with the following properties:
- name - region name
- services - list of services:
- name - service name
- url - service URL to check
Number of seconds to wait until connection is established
Number of seconds for reading connection response
Logging configuration:
- level - set specific logging level
To build the image run the following command:
docker build -t availability:latest .
Edit configuration file in-place in the repository:
cd ~/availability/
cp etc/sample_config.json etc/config.json
vim etc/config.json
Then run two separate containers with applications:
docker run -d --name avail-watcher -v $PWD/etc:/etc/availability availability availability-watcher docker run -d --name avail-api -v $PWD/etc:/etc/availability -p 5010:5000 availability ./entrypoint-api.sh
Or one all-in-one:
docker run -d --name avail -v $PWD/etc:/etc/availability -p 5010:5000 availability ./entrypoint-all.sh