Quickly build a Spotlight web app using Docker images and a snapshot of the code repo. Persistent Solr and Postgres data stored in ../spotlight-on-docker/data
Code repo: https://github.com/projectblacklight/spotlight.git
Product web site: http://spotlight.projectblacklight.org/
Tested on:
- Debian Linux (buster)
- MacOS Catalina
- ruby 2.5.5
- bundler
- docker
- docker-compose
- java
- nodejs
- ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) [Optional]
- homebrew
- brew install postgresql
- solr:8
- postgres
- adminer (web app to inspect a Postgres database)
- clone repo
- cd spotlight-on-docker
- bundle install
- sudo chown -R 8983:8983 data/solrdata # Linux only; needed to allow Solr to start
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up
This will start Apache Solr, Postgres database and Adminer.
In separate terminal:
- cd spotlight-on-docker
- gem install rake
- rake db:migrate # creates 29 tables in database
- rails server
Solr runs on port 8983.
Postgres runs on port 5432.
Adminer runs on port 8080. Database name: postgres; Username/password: postgres/password
Spotlight runs on port 3000.