iOS and Android wallet passes for ReactJs created with create-react-library.
A React.js library for generating Apple and Google Wallet passes previews written in Typescript and Styled components.
- Store pass
- Event pass
- Coupon pass
- Plane pass
- Boat pass
- Bus pass
- Train pass
- Metro/Subway pass
- Cinema/Theater pass
- Hotel pass
There are 10 types, each pass contains a front side and a back side, the front side displays relevant informations about the pass whereas the back side displays more details.
Install with NPM or YARN:
npm install react-wallets
yarn add react-wallets
A template has all the common data fields that will be shared between your passes.
- Store iOS pass example for bus
import { CardIOS } from "react-wallets";
const MyWalletComponent = () => {
return (
LeftTitle='calais france'
RightTitle='douvres royaume unis'
topLeftTitle='departure date'
topCenterLeftTitle='arrival date'
bottomLeftValue='Alan Jason'
descriptionTitle='This trip is about:'
description='Exchangeable and refundable free of charge by voucher up to 8 days before your depature.'
termsAndConditions='terms and conditions here'
- Store android pass example for event
import { CardAndroid } from "react-wallets";
const MyWalletComponent = () => {
return (
title='BEST EVENT'
mainTitle='BEST Event'
secondaryTitle='Elysee Montmartre'
topLeftValue='Jun 21,2023'
topRightValue='11:08 AM'
holderNameTitle='full name'
holderName='Alan Jason'
place='elysee montmartre'
address='72 Street Name'
openTimeTitle='opening date / time'
openTime='2023 21st June, 11 PM'
startDateTitle='starting date / time'
startDate='27 Jul 2023 11PM'
ticketNumberTitle='ticket number'
termsAndConditionsTitle='our terms'
termsAndConditions='this are the terms and conditions'
googleMapsLink='link here'
phoneNumber='+33 555 555'
disableNotifications='disable notifications'
You can find here full examples of all passes with some fake data !
This a list of props that you can pass down to the component, all of them are of type string:
Property | Description | Pass | Platform |
type |
takes one of these pass types : store/event/coupon/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/cinema/room.Required | all | iOS-Android |
backgroundColor |
takes pass backgorund color | all | iOS-Android |
titleColor |
takes pass title's color | all | iOS |
textColor |
takes pass title's value color | all | iOS |
title |
displaying subtitle | store/coupon/plane/boat/bus/subway/train -- all | iOS-Android |
headerLogoLink |
takes logo url | all | iOS-Android |
headerTitle |
displaying pass title | store/coupon/plane/event/cinema/room | iOS-Android |
mainTitle |
displaying the main title | store/coupon/plane-room/event/cinema/coupon/store | iOS-Android |
accessType |
takes on of these code types :QR/CODE128/PDF417/AZTEC. Required | all | Android |
accessImage |
takes code image url | all | iOS-Android |
accessBorder |
displaying a colored and animated border for security. boolean type | all | iOS-Android |
accessCodeId |
takes codes id | all | Android |
accessCodeIdTitle |
displaying a custom title for the access code id. default value barcode | store | iOS |
bannerImage |
takes banner or footer image url | store/event/coupon/room/cinema -- train/subway/bus/boat/plane | iOS-Android |
bottomCenterTitle |
displaying a title | room | iOS |
bottomCenterValue |
displaying a value | room | iOS |
bottomLeftTitle |
displaying a title | all -- train/subway/bus/boat/event/cinema/plane | iOS-Android |
bottomLeftValue |
displaying a value | all -- train/subway/bus/boat/event/cinema/plane | iOS-Android |
bottomRightTitle |
displaying a title | store/coupon/event/plane/room/cinema -- evet/cinema/plane | iOS-Android |
bottomRightValue |
displaying a value | store/coupon/event/plane/room/cinema -- evet/cinema/plane | iOS-Android |
LeftTitle |
displaying a title | plane/boat/bus/subway/train | iOS |
LeftValue |
displaying a value | plane/boat/bus/subway/train | iOS |
RightTitle |
displaying a title | plane/boat/bus/subway/train | iOS |
RightValue |
displaying a value | plane/boat/bus/subway/train | iOS |
topCenterLeftTitle |
displaying a title | event/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/cinema | iOS |
topCenterLeftValue |
displaying a value | event/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/cinema | iOS |
topCenterRightTitle |
displaying a title | plane/cinema | iOS |
topCenterRightValue |
displaying a value | plane/cinema | iOS |
topCenterTitle |
displaying a title | plane/room | Android |
topCenterValue |
displaying a value | plane/room | Android |
topLeftTitle |
displaying a title | event/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/room/cinema -- room/boat/bus/subway/train/event/cinema/plane/store | iOS-Android |
topLeftValue |
displaying a value | event/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/room/cinema -- room/boat/bus/subway/train/event/cinema/plane/store | iOS-Android |
topRightTitle |
displaying a title | event/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/cinema-boat/bus/subway/train/event/cinema/plane/store/room | iOS-Android |
topRightValue |
displaying a value | event/plane/boat/bus/subway/train/cinema -- boat/bus/subway/train/event/cinema/plane/store/room | iOS-Android |
mainTitle |
displaying a title | store/coupon/plane-room/event/cinema/coupon/store | iOS-Android |
secondaryTitle |
displaying a title | room/event/cinema | Android |
composedMainTitle:{from - to} |
displaying a title | boat/bus/subway/train/plane | Android |
composedSecondaryTitle:{from - to} |
displaying a title | boat/bus/subway/train/plane | Android |
address |
displaying a physical address | store/event/cinema/room | iOS-Android |
addressTitle |
displaying a custom title for the address value. default value address | store -- store/room | iOS-Android |
arrivalGate |
displaying arrival gate number | plane | iOS-Android |
arrivalGateTitle |
displaying a custom title for the arrival gate. default value arrival code | plane | Android |
arrivingTitle |
displaying a custom title for the arriving time value. default value arriving at | boat -- boat/bus/train/subway | iOS-Android |
checkInTitle |
displaying a custom title for the check in time. default value check in | room | iOS-Android |
checkOutTitle |
displaying a custom title for the check out time value. default value check out | room | iOS-Android |
confirmationCode |
displaying confirmation code | plane | iOS-Android |
confirmationCodeTitle |
displaying a custom title for the confirmation code value. default value confirmation code | plane | iOS-Android |
couponId |
displaying coupon id value | store/coupon -- coupon | iOS-Android |
couponIdTitle |
displaying a custom title for the coupon ID value. default value coupon | store/coupon -- coupon | iOS-Android |
customTitle |
displaying a custom title | cinema/store -- store | iOS-Android |
customTitlePhone |
displaying a custom title for phone number | store | iOS-Android |
customValue |
displaying a custom valuestore | iOS-Android | |
date |
displaying date | store | iOS-Android |
departureTitle |
displaying a custom title for the departure time/date value. default value departure | boat -- boat/bus/train/subway | iOS-Android |
description |
displaying a description | store/coupon/plane/boat/bus/subway/train -- store/coupon | iOS-Android |
descriptionTitle |
displaying a custom title for the description value. default value description | coupon/boat/bus/subway/train -- coupon | iOS-Android |
destinationTerminal |
displaying destination terminal number | plane | iOS-Android |
destinationTerminalTitle |
displaying a custom title for the destination terminal value. default value destination terminal | plane | Android |
details |
displaying written details | boat/bus/subway/train/plane/ | iOS-Android |
detailsTitle |
displaying a custom title for the details value. default value details | boat/bus/train/subway | Android |
disableNotifications |
displaying disable notification text | boat/bus/subway/train/room/plane | Android |
email |
displaying email | event/cinema/room/event | iOS-Android |
emailTitle |
displaying a custom title for the email value. default value email | event/cinema/room | iOS |
endDate |
displaying end date or hour | event/boat/cinema/room -- room/store/cinema/boat/bus/subway/train/room | iOS-Android |
endDateTitle |
displaying a custom title for the end date value. default value end date | event/cinema -- cinema | iOS-Android |
eventName |
displaying event name | event | iOS-Android |
expires |
displaying date of expiry | coupon | iOS-Android |
expiresTitle |
displaying a custom title for the expires value. default value expires | coupon | Android |
flightDetailsTitle |
displaying a custom title for the flight details value. default value flight details | plane | iOS-Android |
flightNumber |
displaying flight number | plane | iOS-Android |
flightNumberTitle |
displaying a custom title for the flight number value. default value flight number | plane | Android |
from |
displaying coupon marketer | coupon | iOS-Android |
fromTitle |
displaying a custom title for the fromvalue. default value from | coupon | Android |
googleMapsLink |
displaying a custom title for the from value. default value google maps link | event | iOS |
googleMapsLinkTitle |
takes google maps url | event -- event/cinema/boat/bus/subway/train | iOS-Android |
holderId |
displaying pass holder id | store | iOS-Android |
holderLastName |
displaying pass holder last name | store | iOS-Android |
holderName |
displaying pass holder name | store/room -- store/event/cinema/room | iOS-Android |
holderNameTitle |
displaying a custom title for the ticket holder name. default value ticket holder | room -- event/cinema/room | iOS-Android |
kind |
displaying kind | room/store | iOS-Android |
kindTitle |
displaying a custom title for the room type. default value type | event/room | iOS-Android |
movieName |
displaying movie name | cinema | iOS-Android |
movieNameTitle |
displaying a custom title for the movie name value. default value movie name | cinema | iOS-Android |
number |
displaying a number value | boat/bus/subway/train | iOS-Android |
numberTitle |
displaying a custom title for a number value. default value number | boat/bus/subway/train | Android |
offersTitle |
displaying a custom title for the offers value. default value offers | store | iOS |
offerId |
displaying offer code id | store | iOS-Android |
openTime |
displaying opening time | event/cinema | iOS-Android |
openTimeTitle |
displaying a custom title for the open doors/time value. default value doors open | event/cinema | iOS-Android |
phoneNumber |
displaying primary phone number | store/event/cinema/boat/room -- store/event/cinema/boat/bus/subway/train/room/plane | iOS-Android |
phoneNumberTitle |
displaying a custom title for the phone number value. default value phone number | store/event/boat/cinema/room -- store | iOS-Android |
phoneNumberSecondary |
displaying secondary phone number | store | iOS-Android |
phoneNumberSecondaryTitle |
displaying a custom title for the secondary phone number value. default value after sale service | store -- store | iOS-Android |
place |
displaying a place name or an address | cinema/room/event | iOS-Android |
price |
displaying price value | event/boat -- boat/bus/subway/train | iOS-Android |
priceTitle |
displaying a custom title for the price value. default value price | event/boat -- boat/bus/subway/train | iOS-Android |
promoCode |
displaying promotion code id | coupon | iOS-Android |
promoCodeTitle |
displaying a custom title for the promo code value. default value promo code | coupon | iOS-Android |
rating |
displaying movie rating | cinema | iOS-Android |
ratingTitle |
displaying a custom title for the rating value. default value rating | cinema | iOS-Android |
schedule |
displaying a schedule | store | iOS-Android |
scheduleTitle |
displaying a custom title for the schedule value. default value schedule | store | iOS-Android |
scheduledDepartureTime |
displaying scheduled departure time | plane | iOS-Android |
scheduledDepartureTimeTitle |
displaying a custom title for the schedule departure time value. default value scheduled departure time | plane | Android |
startDate |
displaying start date or hour | event/boat/cinema/room -- store/event/cinema/boat/bus/subway/train/room | iOS-Android |
startDateTitle |
displaying a custom title for the start date value. default value start date | event/boat/cinema/room -- store/event/cinema/boat/bus/subway/train/room | iOS-Android |
termsAndConditions |
displaying terms and conditions text | event/boat/cinema/room/bus/subway/train -- event/cinema/room | iOS-Android |
termsAndConditionsTitle |
displaying a custom title for the terms and conditions value. default value terms and conditions | event/boat/cinema/room/bus/subway/train -- event/cinema/room | iOS-Android |
ticketImage |
takes ticket image url | boat/bus/subway/train/plane | iOS-Android |
ticketNumber |
displaying ticket number | event/boat/cinema/room -- event/cinema | iOS-Android |
ticketNumberTitle |
displaying a custom title for the ticket number value. default value ticket number | event/boat/cinema/room -- event/cinema | iOS-Android |
value |
displaying a value | event/coupon | Android |
valueTitle |
displaying a custom title for a value. default value value | event/coupon | Android |
walletImage |
takes wallet image url | coupon | Android |
website |
takes the website link value | store | iOS |
websiteTitle |
displaying a custom title for the website value. default value website | store | iOS |
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