Implementation of the Black Hole board game, created in 24 hours at CopenHacks hackathon.
You can play against other people online and against bots. An Elo rating system is also implemented.
Black Hole, initially designed as a paper-and-pencil game, is played on a triangular board of 21 cells. Two players alternate turns placing a numbered disc of their color onto an empty space. Discs are numbered 1-10 and must be placed in numerical order. When all the discs have been placed, the game ends. The one board space that remains empty is the "Black Hole"; each player sums the values of his discs surrounding the Black Hole, and the player with the lower sum wins.
#Instructions to run
- create a virtualenv
- virtualenv env
- activate the virtual environment
- source env/bin/activate
- use pip to install dependencies
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- run
- python
- open you webbrowser and enter