A video overlay framework bundled as web-components which lets you define overlays to be applied over a video using markup much like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Video Overlay</title>
<div style="height: 200px; width: 800px">
<div style="flex-direction: row;width: 100%; height: 100%;display: flex;">
<div style="flex: 2;font-size: 1em">
<vidovly-entry time="0">Intro</vidovly-entry>
<vidovly-entry time="0:15">Preparation</vidovly-entry>
<vidovly-entry time="2:07">Smoking</vidovly-entry>
<vidovly-entry time="3:50">Carving</vidovly-entry>
<vidovly-entry time="5:01">Serve</vidovly-entry>
<div style="flex: 8;align-items: stretch">
<vidovly-video fade=2>
<div slot="video" style="width: 100%; height: 100%">
<vidovly-youtube-player id="Wt2mo8GLY6s" />
<div slot="overlays" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<vidovly-overlay position="10-20-25-5" time="0:4-0:6">Brisket!</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-80-50-5" time="0:10-0:15">Oh No! I'll be so hungry by then</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-90-80-5" time="0:20-0:24">
<a style="color: #53bdeb" href="https://www.facebook.com/Smoke-House-of-the-Catskills-191502834220397/">
Smoke House of the Catskills
<vidovly-overlay position="10-20-25-5" time="0:30-0:38">Caramelized Onions</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-35-25-5" time="0:32-0:38">Wine</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-50-25-5" time="0:34-0:38">Beef Stock</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-80-50-5" time="2:40-2:45">Don't Burn the House Down</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-80-50-5" time="3:48-3:50">The Waiting is the hardest part</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay position="10-80-50-5" time="5:03-5:8">Man that looks good</vidovly-overlay>
<vidovly-overlay fade=".1" position="00-00-100-100" time="5:12-999:0" overlaystyle="background-color: white;">
<div style="margin-top: 20%;text-align: center;color: black;font-size: 8em;font-family: sans-serif">The End</div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vidovly@1.0.2/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
You can use this script directly from unpkg.com to define the web-components. It must come after the web-components are defined.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vidovly@1.0.2/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
Always check for latest version on NPM
The script creates these web-components which use preact under the covers:
The outer container around a video and the overlays. You can layout the container anyway you like and use the
- vidovly-video component within it to define the area where the video is to appear.
- vidovly-html container to define html content where you want variable content to appear based on time such as a table of contents
A sub-container for the video and associated overlays. The content should include two "slots":
- The video slot should include a video player such as vidovly-video-overlay
- The overlay slot should contain one or more vidovly-overlay components
vidovly-video has these optional parameters:
- overlayStyle a style string for the overlays
- fade fade time for overlays in seconds
- fadeIn / fadeOut control over fade in and out
A youtube embedded video that uses
Parameters are:
- id The YouTube id of the video
- playerVars Any of the YouTube player options which defaults to
{playsinline: 1, autoplay: 1, modestbranding: true, start: 0, controls: 1}
An overlay that will be display at a particular time in the video, for a particular length and at a particular relative position in the video. Any content may appear as children.
Parameters are:
- postion="tt:ll:ww:hh" where tt is the top, ll is the left, ww is the width and hh is the height all in percentages of the overall height and width of the video.
- time="start:end" the start and end times in mm:ss format
- overlayStyle a style string for the overlays
- fade fade time for overlays in seconds
- fadeIn / fadeOut control over fade in and out
A container for hmtl or vidovly-toc components for defining a table of content. It has these parameters
- commonstyle a style string to serve as default for sub-elements
A container for a table of contents. It has these parameters
- commonstyle the style in common for active and inactive entries
- inactivestyle the style for content that is not active because it is not with the time boundary
- activestyle the style for content that is active because it is with the time boundary Not the time boundary is defined in descendent vidovly-toc-entry components
A table of content entry which can be styled based on whether the time in the video matches the time parameter. It has these parameters
- commonstyle the style in common for active and inactive entries
- inactivestyle the style for content that is not active because it is not with the time boundary
- activestyle the style for content that is active because it is with the time boundary
- time="start:end" the start and end times in mm:ss format
Although web-components use a shadow dom the stylable content is inserted using slots such that all of the html content (not the web-components themselves) are part of the page DOM and as such may be styled as usual. You may also apply styles to the overlay. The default style is:
font-size: 1em; color: white; font-family: sans-serif; text-shadow: 1px 0 0 #000, 0 -1px 0 #000, 0 1px 0 #000, -1px 0 0 #000;
Contributions are always welcome in the form of pull requests. Some desired features are:
- An HTML5 video player
- web-components for creating navigation elements
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve demo with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# bundle distro js including preact
npm run build:widget
# lint the project with eslint to find code style issues
npm run lint
# run tests with jest and enzyme
npm run test