Welcome to the Chatbot project! This Open-Source Chatbot is widely used to be a various addition to Full-Stack web projects, improves user interactions by connecting Front-End and Back-End APIs. 🔗
Imagine you're building a website or a web application, that involves user interaction; this ChatBot can play a main role in delivering real-time responses, assistance, and more user experience with the dataset that you developed as a custom in the intents.json file. 🤖 💬
Do not forget; when you develop the custom dataset, you need to test and update to ChatBot and custom dataset multiple times.
- Virtual environment setup:
python -m venv environment_name
- To activate the virtual environment (Windows):
- To activate the virtual environment (Linux / MacOS):
source environment_name/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run:
2. intents.json (chatbotAPI folder): Dataset; It stores all possible inputs and responses for training.
4. Warning: If you are a Windows user; in the training.py file, sometimes you need to add two lines for the library of nltk: