This Rust library implements an Optimistically Verifiable Commitment Protocol, providing structures and methods to create commitments using a Merkle tree and subsequently verify them. It primarily consists of a Prover
that generates a commitment and a Referee
that interacts with two provers to find disagreements and verify proofs in a dispute protocol.
See here for more detail about the protocol itself.
CAVEAT This code has not been security reviewed.
- Prover: Generates a commitment to a list of Ethereum receipts, using a commitment key, and builds the Merkle tree to verify that the commitment was created correctly.
- Referee: Interacts with two provers, keeping track of their latest nodes, tree size at a given round, and the commitment key used to commit to Receipts.
- Creation of commitment to receipts and Merkle tree.
- Initial response and a single round in the OVC dispute protocol by the prover.
- Computing opening proof at the end OVC protocol by the prover.
- Verification of opening proof by both the referee.
- Rust
- ...
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd ovc
- Build the project:
cargo build --release
- Initialize a Prover instance using a commitment key and a list of receipts to be commited to.
- Generate a commitment and Merkle tree and obtain the initial response in the OVC protocol.
- Participate in a round in the OVC dispute protocol, either revealing the leaf node at the disagreement point or producing a validity proof for that leaf node.
- Interact with two provers to find disagreement points in the Merkle tree.
- Perform verification of the proofs provided by the provers to determine a winner in case of disagreement.
use ovc::*;
use ark_bn254::G1Projective as G;
use ark_ec::{CurveGroup, VariableBaseMSM};
use ark_std::UniformRand;
use serde_json;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn load_receipts() -> Vec<Receipt> {
let receipts_json = std::fs::read("src/tests/data/receipts_full.json").unwrap();
let receipts: Vec<Receipt> = serde_json::from_slice(receipts_json.as_slice()).unwrap();
let log_num_receipts = 6;
let num_receipts = 2usize.pow(log_num_receipts);
let diff_idx = 2usize.pow(log_num_receipts) - 7;
// Generate random vector of G1Projective
let mut rng = ark_std::test_rng();
let mut commit_key: Vec<G1Projective> = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..num_receipts {
commit_key.push(G1Projective::rand(&mut rng));
// Read receipts and build receipt trie
let receipts = load_receipts();
let mut receipt_trie = build_from_receipts(receipts.clone());
let receipt_root = receipt_trie.root().unwrap();
// Run OVC protocol
let mut ovc_prover_1 = Prover::new(commit_key.clone(), receipts[0..num_receipts].to_vec());
// Skip a receipt to simulate a prover who misses a receipt
let mut receipts_2 = receipts[0..diff_idx].to_vec();
receipts_2.extend_from_slice(&receipts[diff_idx + 1..num_receipts + 1]);
let mut ovc_prover_2 = Prover::new(commit_key.clone(), receipts_2.clone());
// First check if the commitments provided by the two provers differ
let (prover_1_commitment, prover_1_root) = ovc_prover_1.get_commitment_and_root();
let (prover_2_commitment, prover_2_root) = ovc_prover_2.get_commitment_and_root();
assert_ne!(prover_1_commitment, prover_2_commitment);
// Initialize referee
let mut ovc_verifier = Referee {
tree_size: num_receipts,
commitment_key: commit_key,
// Run OVC protocol
let prover_1_response = ovc_prover_1.first_response();
let prover_2_response = ovc_prover_2.first_response();
let mut verifier_request =
ovc_verifier.find_disagreement_step(prover_1_response, prover_2_response);
for _ in 0..log_num_receipts {
let prover_1_response = ovc_prover_1.find_disagreement_step_response(&verifier_request);
let prover_2_response = ovc_prover_2.find_disagreement_step_response(&verifier_request);
match (prover_1_response, prover_2_response) {
(Response::StepResponse(resp1), Response::StepResponse(resp2)) => {
verifier_request = ovc_verifier.find_disagreement_step(resp1, resp2);
(Response::Leaf(l1), Response::Leaf(l2)) => {
assert_eq!(ovc_prover_1.clone().disagreement_idx, diff_idx);
assert_eq!(ovc_prover_2.clone().disagreement_idx, diff_idx);
let mut diff_idx_bytes = BytesMut::new();
diff_idx.encode(&mut diff_idx_bytes);
let proof_1 = ovc_prover_1
.compute_opening_proof(&receipt_trie, receipts[diff_idx].clone());
let proof_2 = ovc_prover_2
.compute_opening_proof(&receipt_trie, receipts_2[diff_idx].clone());
_ => panic!("Mismatched provers"),
To run tests, use:
cargo test
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- [Dependencies/References]